Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a desk at home, let alone a separate room where they can work undisturbed. If possible, a solid strategy is to create a dedicated space for working. This could simply be at the kitchen or dining room table. Having an area that is used only for work means that when the working day ends, the rest of the house does not feel like the office.
It’s often the case that working from home can exacerbate back conditions, especially if you’re hunched over a laptop and using a chair not designed for long hours at a computer. Ask your employer if they are able to provide proper equipment, such as an ergonomic chair and a monitor. This will go some way to helping you create a proper workstation and cut down on the physical side effects of working from home.
Whether your job requires lots of note taking, video conference presentations or the need to collaborate on documents, Wacom’s pen tablets and displays can help by making it easier to interact and engage with your colleagues.
It can be easy to feel isolated when working from home, so it pays to utilize video conferencing and chat tools to stay in touch with colleagues. It’s important to remember that catching up and speaking with others is a key part of office life, so there’s no harm in using these platforms to stay in touch with your colleagues. It can help foster a sense of togetherness, despite people being physically apart. A daily catch up call is a great way to check in and ensure everyone is doing ok.
There’s a temptation when working from home to simply plough on, working through the time when you might have been heading out for lunch or even going past your usual finishing time. Make sure you stop for lunch at the same time every day and, if possible, get some fresh air too. A break from your screen and from the confines of home will help prepare you for the rest of the day.
There’s a temptation when working from home to simply plough on, working through the time when you might have been heading out for lunch or even going past your usual finishing time. Make sure you stop for lunch at the same time every day and, if possible, get some fresh air too. A break from your screen and from the confines of home will help prepare you for the rest of the day.
Likewise, aim to finish at the same time and ideally schedule in an activity that can bridge the time between the working day and time at home in the evening. A walk, a run or some time in the garden will make it easier to leave the working day behind and help your mind adjust to spending the evening hanging out in the same place that you’ve spent all day working in.
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
ワコムではその企業理念として、人々がテクノロジーを自然に利用できるようなインタフェースを提供することで、人とテクノロジーの架け橋となることを追求しています。この理念のもとに、ワコムはインタラクティブに使用できるペンタブレットやペンディスプレイ、デジタルペン、電子サインの保存・処理ソリューションの分野を世界的にリードするメーカーとなっています。ワコムの直感的に使用できる入力デバイスの高度なテクノロジーは、今最も注目されるデジタルアート、映画、特殊効果、ファッション、デザインなどの制作において世界中で使われています。また、ビジネスからホームユースまでのさまざまなシーンでユーザーの個性を表現するための最先端インターフェース技術を提供しています。ワコムは1983年に日本で創業されて以来(東証1部:コード 6727)、世界的に事業を展開するメーカーとして成長してまいりました。現在、150ヶ国以上における製品の販売や流通を支えるために世界各地に子会社や関連会社を設けています。