Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Embrace the multi-faceted world of design and a whole wealth of opportunities will be waiting for you. Whether you want to work in graphic design, master product design or create your own clothing line by developing fashion design skills, this is a space that’s continually evolving. A design tablet will always help good designers take their work to the next level.
Firstly, it’s vital to grasp the basic principles of design, which will help set you up for greatness. If you’re keen on developing your design practice into a career, it’s worth exploring all the different areas where design can lead. To help give yourself the edge when it comes to impressing employers and potential clients, creating a portfolio that features design essentials such as business cards, letterheads, icons and websites is also a must.
Wacom’s broad range of graphic design tablets and displays will help you up your design game, giving you precision and control whether you’re working on slick graphics, creating a new product or honing your clothes-drawing.
Design tablets and displays enable full digital workflow, from the first sketch to the final product. The interaction of the pen, multi-touch and the programmable ExpressKeys significantly accelerates the workflow and optimises productivity.
The drawing tools in many applications enable rough layouts and design drafts to be created and saved digitally.
The pen’s precision significantly eases the placement of text/picture/object elements, especially when working with several programmes on several monitors. Searching for the cursor is no longer necessary.
Designer pen tablets and displays are perfectly ergonomic, so users enjoy more relaxed working than with a conventional mouse or track pad, even when used for long periods.
Graphic design tablets are used to create sketches and drafts directly and quickly with no mess. This results in more precise modelling and more lifelike rendering afterwards.
By optimizing the workflow as well as creating room for more creativity, these solutions increase the efficiency of the entire design process.
Graphic design tablets completely replace paper in the design process.
Designers work on a design pad or a display in the same way that they are accustomed to when working with a pencil and paper. Moreover, the designer is already familiar with pressure-sensitive tools from working with felt tip pens and color pencils.
Graphic design displays also support the creativity of the designers by enabling the designer to draw directly on-screen with a pressure sensitive pen. The direct hand-eye coordination and precise positioning of the pen allow every designer to concentrate on what he is striving for – working on creative designs and putting ideas onto paper.
With the varied pressure levels, the designer can use the digital pen just like a normal pen to create the finest nuances in the strength of the lines. All in all, using a design tablet is like drawing with pen and paper.
But above all, designer tablets are fun to use!
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
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