Wacom Cintiq 16 and 22 family marquee image

Getting started with your Wacom Cintiq

It's easy to get started with your Wacom Cintiq. This creative pen display is perfectly equipped to help you begin your journey as an illustrator. It's time to take your creative ideas to the next level.

Live. Dare. Create.

How to install your Wacom Cintiq

Step 1

Connect your device to computer and power

Step 2

Download and install the latest driver. Follow the instruction on screen and restart your PC.

Windows  | Mac  

Step 3

After Setup Wizard, you will be taken to the Wacom Center. Click on the blue registration field.

Step 4

Sign-in with your Wacom ID or sign-up, your Wacom device will then be automatically registered.

Make the Wacom Cintiq yours

Set up your Wacom Pro Pen 2

See how to customize the shortcut buttons and pressure levels on your Wacom Pro Pen 2.

Watch here

Working with your Wacom
Pro Pen 2

See how the Wacom Pro Pen 2 reacts to subtle pressure changes and tilt.

Watch here

Using on-screen controls

See how to configure and use on-screen controls.

Watch here


Step 1

Connect your device to computer and power.


Step 2

Start the Wacom Center. Select your device under "My Devices" and click on the blue registration bar.
How to open Wacom Center on your computer>>


Step 3

Sign-in with your Wacom ID or sign-up, your Wacom device will then be automatically registered.

Wacom Center

 Customize pen settings and other product settings

 Access the User Help and important product information

 Update your Driver, Software or Firmware

 Register product with Wacom ID

 Support information

Add the extras anytime

To customize how you work even further, Wacom Cintiq is compatible with a range of accessories.


Wacom 可調式腳架

適用於Wacom Cintiq 16和Wacom Cintiq Pro16(2021)。從各種工作角度中選擇適合自己的工作方式。

Wacom Pro Pen 3D

採用 3D 創意理念設計的 Wacom Pro Pen 3D 提供全 3D 導航控制。

Wacom Pro Pen Slim

筆身纖細的 Wacom Pro Pen,不僅控制度精確,更具備 8,192 階的感壓、斜度回應以及幾乎無滯延的追蹤能力。



Wacom 大型款收納包

使用耐用且防水的 Wacom 大型款收納包,保護你的 Wacom Intuos Pro、Cintiq Pro、Cintiq 或 MobileStudio Pro 毫髮無傷。

標準筆尖——Wacom Pro Pen 2 和 Wacom Pro Pen 3D(10 支)

10 支供 Wacom Pro Pen 2 和 Wacom Pro Pen 3D 之用的標準筆尖。

Wacom 繪圖手套

我們的環保手套可防止污漬在你的 Wacom 液晶顯示器或數位板表面留下痕跡。


將70%或75%含量的異丙醇(外用酒精)倒在柔軟的無絨布上可以安全地清潔所有Wacom產品。 用微濕的布輕輕擦拭Wacom產品堅硬、無孔表面(如顯示器)或其他外部表面。 勿使用漂白劑。 避免在任何開口處受潮,亦勿將Wacom產品浸入任何清潔劑中。 其他提示請參閱下面的內容,或聯絡您當地的Wacom客服團隊


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