5 Tips for successful blended learning


Digital transformation in school classrooms and universities is changing the way learning and teaching happen. This new learning culture combines the benefits of face-to-face instruction with the advantages of e-learning. The two terms for this combination, blended learning and hybrid learning, are often used interchangeably. However, there is a difference. With Wacom pen tablets and displays, you can expand the digital possibilities in both hybrid and blended learning scenarios.

The differences between hybrid learning and blended learning

In hybrid learning, two different forms of instruction take place side by side. This means, for example, that part of the lesson takes place face-to-face while the other part of the class is connected online. Additionally, face-to-face and online phases can alternate. In blended learning, analog and digital learning methods are merged, thereby expanding the variety of methods. Thus, blended learning can be seen as a form of hybrid learning. To make hybrid learning fun and successful, you will need to create a few basic learning conditions.

1. a good student-teacher relationship is important

Students’ learning success depends on a good and trusting relationship with their teacher. This goes without saying. The teacher needs to show interest in the student's learning success and respond to the student as individually as possible. Students in turn should be allowed to ask questions and give the teacher feedback. This is true for both analog instruction and even more so for blended learning, since relationship building via digital solutions is often even more difficult. Both sides will need to pay close attention to this in blended learning as well.

2. stay active in the conversation

Create spaces for dialog. Especially when studying in a blended learning context, students need to be actively involved. This is made possible through communication. By asking questions, asking students to turn on the camera, and crafting your lessons to include an active learner component, you encourage conversation and show your students that their input is just as valuable in blended learning.

3. create routines and resources

Blended learning scenarios are more successful when the digital offering and content are easy to find and everyone is up to date on what daily or weekly assignments need to be completed. You can foster this by defining learning objectives. Show students where to find extra help and practice assignments, and provide collaboration opportunities. The digital devices and software should be easy and intuitive to use so that the learning content is positioned front and center. Otherwise they become secondary to the blended learning platform because students’ struggles with the machine take so much time.

4. targeted creation and implementation of materials

Not all lesson materials that are suitable for face-to-face teaching are also suitable for hybrid learning, and vice versa. In an effective blended learning setting, you may need to develop entirely new materials, or rework your learning tools. Ideally, your students will be able to complete and return assignments directly online or present them to the whole class.

5 Exploit the technical possibilities

A course is useless if it fails to engage students. With Wacom pen tablets and displays, you vastly expand your range of learning scenarios in the blended learning context. This goes beyond merely allowing students to handwrite digital worksheets and hand them in digitally. With a pen tablet that easily connects to your laptop, you can visualize thoughts and explanations just like on a traditional whiteboard or pen on paper – except that you can use it to teach students all over the world. With the Wacom digital pen, you can add handwritten notes to digital textbooks, create whiteboard images that your students can see at home and save digitally, record student observations or tutorial forms, and let your creativity run wild.

Exploit the advantages of blended learning

Many teachers still shy away from digital elements in blended learning. Yet, there are many advantages:

  • Social equity: students who are unable to study and learn locally because of a disability, family obligations, or lack of funds benefit from hybrid learning instruction.


  • Flexibility: when you combine analog and digital methods, you can draw content from everywhere, and react more flexibly when external circumstances change. With blended learning, students are also able to learn flexibly and exactly as it best fits into their daily routines or personal biorhythms.


  • Efficiency: blended learning promotes independent learning and therefore efficiency. Students and pupils learn at their own individual pace. Fast learners don't have to wait for the rest of the class to finish. Slower ones can spend as long as they need on a task without being disturbed by faster classmates.


  • Of course, there are always students who need and prefer face-to-face instruction for their learning success. That is why pure e-learning is not recommended.As soon as you can work efficiently with technical solutions and foster close contact with your students, blended learning becomes a win-win situation.

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