Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Hello Wacom family,
The human face is definitely a subject which artists of all eras have worked on most diligently. That's why we think it's a good idea to look closely at the individual parts of the face one by one. Today we will be talking about how to draw a mouth.
입의 위치에서부터 시작하도록 하겠습니다. 우리는 머리를 구성한 후, 안내선을 통해 수직 위치를 알 수 있게 됩니다. 입은 코와 턱 사이의 첫 번째 분할선 위에 있어야 합니다. 이는 입에서 턱까지의 거리가 입에서 코까지의 거리의 약 두 배가 되어야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. 평균 입의 너비는, 가장 넓을 때 동공 사이의 거리만큼 넓습니다. 경험상, 이 폭은 조금 줄여주셔야 합니다.
입을 그리는 방법에 대한 질문에 대답하기 위해, 간단한 선을 그려줍니다. 이는 윗입술의 하단 가장자리인 입의 주선입니다. 이 선에서 시작하시는 것이, 입 모양을 정하는 가장 빠르고 직관적인 방법이 될 것입니다. 선이 완전히 곧아야 할 필요는 없지만, 나중에 사용할 수 있도록 더 모험적인 곡선을 시도해 보시고 저장하셔야 합니다.
이제 우리는 입을 열어보도록 하겠습니다. 이때 염두에 두셔야 할 많은 주의사항들이 있습니다.
This method of construction tends to offer a lot of freedom. You can decide for yourself what proportions to use, what angles your lines will run, how sharp or soft the edges should be, and whether individual lines should curve inwards or outwards, or perhaps take on “S”-shapes. Nearly anything is possible here.
Of course, you can also include the two “V”s. But make sure that in profile, the main line from the left overlaps the lower “V” as seen in the bottom line.
This method of construction tends to offer a lot of freedom. You can decide for yourself what proportions to use, what angles your lines will run, how sharp or soft the edges should be, and whether individual lines should curve inwards or outwards, or perhaps take on “S”-shapes. Nearly anything is possible here.
Of course, you can also include the two “V”s. But make sure that in profile, the main line from the left overlaps the lower “V” as seen in the bottom line.
Always start with the main line because it is what the rest of the construction is based on. The main line follows the curve of the head. If the head tilts upward, the main line becomes an upward curve. If the head tilts downward, the curve of the main line also points downward.
Additionally, whether the head is facing upward or downward, we have to consider that the angle of view on the lips also changes: certain areas of the lips become narrower or wider in perspective. If we turn the head far enough downward, the upper lip disappears completely. The distance between the lower lip and the chin line also shortens when the head is turned.
Finally, we can add the same gloss layer of the abstracted version and edit it a bit. As you can see, I've added a bit of emphasis to the upper “V”.
Of course, not every mouth must be drawn with as much detail as in the last example. But, there are of course no limits to the amount of detail. Decide for yourself which level of detail is suitable for your picture.
I hope you had fun learning how to draw a mouth, and that you have taken one or two good tips away with you for future drawings.
See you next time.
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
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