
无论是雕塑电玩游戏人物,还是为创新消费者产品素描无穷无尽的想法概念,全世界的创作公司有着一个共通之处:其皆仰赖 Wacom 数位屏技术的强大性能,来放大其作品成果的影响力。


从分镜板到后期制作,全球知名的动画师、游戏开发师与 3D 雕塑师无一不推崇 Wacom 的数位屏技术,用其来创作人物、动物、特效以及打造游戏与电影中粉丝所热爱的世界。


Packed with power and versatility, Wacom products are the go-to choice for artists who want to animate, draw, paint and composite smarter and faster. No need to spend time scanning in drawings or start over to make changes—with Wacom, your animators can work directly on screen. Integration with programs such as Adobe® Animate and After Effects®, Smith Micro Moho™ and Toon Boom® Harmony makes 2D sketching seamless.

The natural feel of the pressure-sensitive pen, minimal drawing parallax and customizable shortcut keys make it easy to respond to client demands quickly. Reorganize a storyboard in Adobe® Photoshop®, rework a scene in Storyboard Studio, fine-tune 3D characters in Autodesk® Maya® or Modo®. High-performance color features with the best broadcast lookup tables (LUTs) deliver superior canvas-to-screen accuracy, while the durability of Wacom’s displays easily stand up to the wear and tear that comes from endless thumbnail passes.


Sarah Gencarelli,动画总监 – Cartoon Network 工作室


在游戏开发的世界里,上市时间是首要重点。使用 Wacom 产品,你的团队可以借由更好的掌控力与自由度,展开一条龙式的工作。

赋予艺术家们所需的工具,让他们能够效率十足地在 2D 概念和 3D 模型之间自由穿梭。为了不让游戏玩家的期待落空,利用直接落笔于屏幕的准确性、可自定义的触控界面、直观操控,以及让你能够尽情释放创意并反复作业却不会造成疲惫的大型显示屏,提升场景、人物和动作的写实性。

“我们信赖 Wacom 数位屏,而且十分高兴,艺术家们能够运用它让工作更加逼真精美。对艺术家而言,它是如此的自然,就像在桌面上作画般……压感笔如此精良,就其技术而言,它非常优秀。”

- Scott Liedtka,产品技术主管 – Rovio

Character Design

Whether concepting in Adobe® Photoshop®, rigging in Autodesk® Max, skinning in Pixologic® Zbrush®, or creating working production models for fabricators, Wacom makes it easy to get into the details. Pencils are always sharp and brushes are clean, bringing precision to your team’s workflow. Allow your artists to immerse themselves in their work like never before, creating friends and foes that are more believable and beloved.

“The Cintiq is one of those rare technologies that not only enhances our work and makes us more productive, but it enables us to do things that have never been seen before.”

– Bryan Winia, Character Artist, Naughty Dog

3D 雕塑与模型

以速度及连结性为优势,更有效益地进行铸模、雕塑并润饰 3D 设计,只有 Wacom 创意数位屏能够做到。例如 Pixologic® Zbrush® 和 Autodesk® Maya® 与 Mudbox® 等预先设置完成的业界标准应用程序,配合印刷模板、笔刷和其他工具,以实现与 Wacom 压感笔输入技术及多点触控性能的无缝作业。

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