How to install the Wacom driver on your Mac - Troubleshooting
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*Available on Windows PC and Mac
Wacom takes digital learning to the next level. The realistic digital pen recreates the classroom experience from anywhere. It gives you the freedom to write, annotate, create, collaborate, study or teach in ways like never before.
This product works with devices capable of running the latest version of ChromeOS and has been certified to meet Google's compatibility standards. Google is not responsible for the operation of this product or its compliance with safety requirements. Chromebook and the Works With Chromebook badge are trademarks of Google LLC. Pen must be used with the tablet to function with ChromeOS.
Please check that your Chromebook device is compatible. One by Wacom works with Chromebook devices capable of running the latest version of Chrome OS (Kernel 4.4 + required). Plug the USB cable* respectively into your pen tablet and Chromebook device. There is no driver download and installation required. You’re all set to enjoy the advantages of the digital pen input on your Chromebook device.
See list of compatible Chromebook devices
*Some Chromebook devices require a USB-C adapter.
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Todos os produtos Wacom podem ser limpos em segurança com 70 ou 75% de álcool isopropílico (álcool de friccionar), quando aplicados num pano macio sem fiapos. Passe suavemente o pano umedecido nas superfícies duras e não porosas do seu produto Wacom, tais como a tela ou outras superfícies exteriores. Não use água sanitária. Evite a entrada de umidade em qualquer abertura e não submerja seu produto Wacom em nenhum agente de limpeza. Veja abaixo para obter dicas adicionais ou entre em contato com sua equipe regional de atendimento ao cliente da Wacom.