Comment signer un document Word

La signature électronique dans Word constitue l'une des étapes importantes pour mettre en place un vrai bureau sans papier. Imprimer un document, puis le signer et le scanner de nouveau : c'est fastidieux et c'est complètement inutile. Il existe deux façons de créer une signature dans Word, et nous allons vous les montrer ici.

Deux méthodes pour signer un document Word

Pour insérer votre signature dans un document Word, vous disposez des deux possibilités suivantes :

  • Scanner la signature.
  • Créer la signature directement dans Word. Par exemple, avec un stylet Wacom.

Le stylet Wacom représente la solution la plus pratique, surtout si vous devez régulièrement signer des documents par voie électronique. En outre, le stylet vous sert à d'autres utilisations, par exemple pour créer des notes électroniques en marge dans Word ou pour dessiner. Nous vous expliquons ci-dessous les deux possibilités à votre disposition pour signer un document Word.

Signature dans Word avec un stylet Wacom

To sign a Word document, we can use a Wacom pen tablet or pen display. Using this we simply write as if it were on a sheet of paper, only digitally.

To sign a Word document with the Wacom pen, proceed as follows:

  • Open the document with Word,
  • Click on "Draw" in the toolbar to insert the signature,
  • Select a suitable pen.
  • Choose a relatively thin line for the signature.
  • Select a suitable color – black or dark blue work particularly well.
  • Now that you have made the appropriate settings for your Wacom pen, you can position the pen on the signature field and sign just as you would an ordinary sheet of paper.
  • Save the signed document.

Instead of a Wacom pen, you could of course just as well use your mouse or your index finger on the touchpad to create a signature. However, this usually looks quite spidery and unprofessional.

We recommend that you save the document as a pdf at this point so that it cannot be changed later.

The advantage over and above the scanned signature is quite clearly that this signature looks much more authentic.

Insérer une signature dans Word à partir d'un scan

The second option would be to photograph or scan your original signature on paper and save it as an image file on your computer. Make sure that the size of the final image is suitable. For this option, the following steps are necessary:

  • If possible, write your signature on a white sheet of paper.
  • Now scan the sheet and save the document as a GIF, JPG or PNG file.
  • Open the image file and in the toolbar click "Crop".
  • Select (crop) an image section that is as small as possible. However, your signature should be completely visible.
  • Click "Save".
  • Open the Word document into which you want to insert the signature.
  • Position the cursor in the appropriate section and click "Insert" > "Images".
  • Select the image you previously saved your signature as.
  • You can change the size and position of the signature by dragging it with the mouse.

The advantage of this method is that you only have to scan and prepare the signature once. This way you always have your electronic signature in Word quickly to hand later. The disadvantage is that it doesn't often look particularly professional. This is because, together with the signature, you have also photographed the paper you signed on. So, the signature inserted as an image will almost always stand out against the background of the document. Many signatures are also naturally curved and slanted, tending up or down and not sticking to the lines. This individuality is lost with this option. That is why cropping the scanned signature will need a little skill.

Découper une signature électronique dans Word

To separate your signature from the background you will need to do the following.

  • Save the scanned signature as a PNG file.
  • Open the signature in Word.
  • Right click on the image and select "Format graphic".
  • You will see four icons under "Format Graphic". Click on the rightmost one, which looks like mountains with a sun.
  • "Recolour" now appears at the bottom.
  • To make the background invisible, select "black and white - 50%".

If you have some experience with graphics programs, you can also create a transparent background after cropping the signature. In this case, you can employ the following settings in order to position the signature aesthetically over a text or a line.

  • Mark the image of the signature with the mouse.
  • Click on the "Image options" field in the menu bar.
  • Select "text wrap" > "in front of text".
  • Now you are able to position the signature above a line or text by dragging it with the mouse.

Statut légal de la signature électronique

La sécurité et l'authenticité d'un document sont importantes, notamment lorsqu'il contient une signature électronique. Il est tellement facile de créer une signature sur des documents électroniques. En principe, toute personne disposant de votre signature manuscrite extraite à partir de n'importe quel document peut la photographier et l'insérer électroniquement dans un document Word. C'est pourquoi il existe différents niveaux de sécurité pour les signatures électroniques. La signature numérique avec certificat est la signature la plus sûre. Certains documents l'exigent pour valider votre signature. Pour d'autres documents, comme les candidatures à des offres d'emploi ou les résiliations d'abonnement, on se contente d'une signature numérique insérée dans Word à partir d'une image ou directement avec le stylet Wacom. Le logiciel d'encrage numérique Wacom s'appuie sur la technologie Wacom Ink Layer Language (WILL). Cette technologie ajoute une précision biométrique à votre signature sur un large éventail d'appareils et d'applications.

Share document as pdf only

Make sure you never share your electronic signature in Word format. Without Write Protection, the Word document containing your signature is far too easy to alter, and can be misused for frivolous purposes. Therefore, always save the document as a pdf. And only share it as a pdf.

Beyond the digital Signature: more possibilities for the Wacom pen

Of course, you can do more than just draw a signature with a Wacom pen. You can also use it to add marginal notes, highlight passages of text, create mind maps digitally and even draw portraits or landscapes, for example. You might be interested in our tutorials "How To Draw a Dog" or "How To Draw a Female Face". Use a Wacom pen just like a normal pencil or fountain pen - but always with the advantage of having everything available digitally.

Sign Word documents. Get started with Wacom One.

Wacom One creates a pen-on-paper feeling, thanks to a 13.3” screen with natural surface friction and minimal reflection. The pen feels light and natural in your hand and transforms into a pencil, paintbrush or chalk in your selected software. It can even be used as an eraser. Perfect for signing documents. Creative software comes included, along with the ability to connect to your Mac or PC, as well as certain Android devices.

Wacom One 13
Sign and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.

Shop Wacom One 13

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Sobre a Wacom

A visão da Wacom é aproximar as pessoas da tecnologia através de tecnologias de interface naturais. Isso a transformou na fabricante líder mundial em mesas digitalizadoras e monitores interativos, bem como em canetas digitais e soluções para guardar e processar assinaturas digitais. A tecnologia avançada dos dispositivos de entrada intuitiva da Wacom foi utilizada para criar alguns dos exemplos mais interessantes de arte digital, filmes, efeitos especiais, moda e designs do mundo inteiro e fornece aos usuários comerciais e domésticos sua tecnologia de interface líder para expressar sua personalidade. Fundada em 1983, a Wacom é uma empresa global com sede no Japão (Bolsa de Valores de Tóquio 6727) com filiais e escritórios afiliados em todo o mundo para apoiar o marketing e a distribuição em mais de 150 países. 

Saiba mais sobre a Wacom

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