To use your stylus, you need to download a Wacom stylus compatible app that must be paired with your stylus.
Scroll down for "how to" videos.
Pairing your stylus with popular apps.
All Wacom products can be safely cleaned with 70 or 75 percent isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) when applied to a soft lint free cloth. Lightly wipe the moistened cloth on the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Wacom product, such as the display, or other exterior surfaces. Don't use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don't submerge your Wacom product in any cleaning agents. See below for additional tips or please contact your regional Wacom customer service team.
免费的Bamboo Paper应用程序帮助您捕捉思想和创意、笔记、素描和绘画,就像使用真正的纸、笔一样直接和轻松。
了解更多关于Bamboo Paper的信息 ::before ::after
在Bamboo Paper无缝集成的Inkspace云服务中,您可以最多储存5 GB并随时随地访问和分享您的Bamboo Paper文件,而且可自动备份和恢复您的工作。