Animation: Ringling College of Art and Design

“I can’t give them a demo of character design or caricature or anything else on paper because that is not what they need to learn.”

Jon Di Venti, Illustration Instructor, Ringling College of Art and Design

Industrial Deisgn: Savannah College of Art and Design

“Technology knowledge is required in the industry to be a working professional. Students need to be well-versed in technology — its use and application. But more importantly, where can they push it to the next level?”

Anthony Fisher, SCAD, Department Chair of Sequential Arts


“有了数位全景图,对我而言再无局限。”能做的事情更多了,我觉得那就是 Wacom 数位板的神奇之处。可以用鼠标远程点击设备,这无法完整描述 Wacom 的性能。”

Erick Ikeda,学生,潘佐尔(Pensole)鞋履设计学院


“我在参观工作室时,发现各家工作室的数字艺术家都在使用 Wacom 技术。我当时就认为,我们的学生应该从第一年就开始接触这些技术,作为他们工作流程的一部分,从而能在毕业时顺利过渡,从加入一间工作室第一天起就发挥潜能。”

Rafael Goldchain,谢里丹(Sheridan)学院应用摄影专业助教

Animation: Ringling College of Art and Design

“I can’t give them a demo of character design or caricature or anything else on paper because that is not what they need to learn.”

Jon Di Venti, Illustration Instructor, Ringling College of Art and Design

Industrial Deisgn: Savannah College of Art and Design

“Technology knowledge is required in the industry to be a working professional. Students need to be well-versed in technology — its use and application. But more importantly, where can they push it to the next level?”

Anthony Fisher, SCAD, Department Chair of Sequential Arts


“有了数位全景图,对我而言再无局限。”能做的事情更多了,我觉得那就是 Wacom 数位板的神奇之处。可以用鼠标远程点击设备,这无法完整描述 Wacom 的性能。”

Erick Ikeda,学生,潘佐尔(Pensole)鞋履设计学院


“我在参观工作室时,发现各家工作室的数字艺术家都在使用 Wacom 技术。我当时就认为,我们的学生应该从第一年就开始接触这些技术,作为他们工作流程的一部分,从而能在毕业时顺利过渡,从加入一间工作室第一天起就发挥潜能。”

Rafael Goldchain,谢里丹(Sheridan)学院应用摄影专业助教

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