Work from home

No matter what remote working challenges you face, Wacom is here to help you do your best work – anywhere, anytime. Whether your job requires a lot of annotations, video conference presentations or the need to collaborate on documents, Wacom’s digital pen technology can help by making it easier to interact with and engage your colleagues.

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Pen tablets

Esboza, dibuja y edita imágenes usando una tableta con gran capacidad de respuesta y un lápiz preciso, y observa cómo tus creaciones aparecen en pantalla.

Monitores interactivos

Dibuja, diseña y crea directamente en una pantalla de alta resolución con un lápiz preciso.


Escribe con lápiz sobre papel y convierte tus notas a mano al formato digital.

Lápiz digital

Escribe y anota rápidamente ideas en tu dispositivo móvil con un lápiz digital Wacom.

About Wacom

Wacom’s vision is to bring people and technology closer together through natural interface technologies. This has made it the world’s leading manufacturer of interactive pen tablets and displays as well as of digital styli and solutions for saving and processing digital signatures. The advanced technology of Wacom’s intuitive input devices has been used to create some of the most exciting digital art, films, special effects, fashion and designs around the world and provides business and home users with their leading interface technology to express their personality. Founded in 1983, Wacom is a global company based in Japan (Tokyo Stock Exchange 6727) with subsidiaries and affiliate offices around the world to support marketing and distribution in over 150 countries. 

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