
Tutorials for Wacom One

Видео, которые помогут Вам начать работу

Подключитесь и загрузите драйвер + начните работу с Zoom и Teams

Connect & download driver

For Windows

For Mac

For Chrome

Start using Zoom

For Windows

For Mac

For Chrome

Start using Teams

For Windows

For Mac

Bundled Education apps

How to register & download

Creative apps

Forgot to register your device?

If you've already installed your device and downloaded the driver, you can still register your device at any time. Please follow these steps.

1. Connect

Connect your device to computer and power.
See the instruction in previous part.

2. Open Wacom Center

Start the Wacom Center. Select your device under "My Devices" and click on the blue registration bar.

How to open Wacom Center on your PC How to open Wacom Center on your Mac

3. Register device

Sign-in with your Wacom ID or sign-up, your Wacom device will then be automatically registered.

How to register Wacom product and redeem software Troubleshoot

Wacom 产品的清洁建议和指南

将 70% 或 75% 含量的异丙醇(外用酒精)倒在柔软的无绒布上可以安全地清洁所有 Wacom 产品。 用微湿的布轻轻擦拭 Wacom 产品坚固、无开孔表面(如数位屏外屏)或其他外部表面。 切勿使用漂白剂。 避免在任何开口处弄湿,亦勿将 Wacom 产品浸入任何清洁剂中。 有关其他提示,请参阅下面的内容,或联系您当地的Wacom 客服团队


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