Wacom for editing

How to get more from Photoshop®

Are you using Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements? Are you hoping to get more from these powerful applications? Are you looking for better results in your images? If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions, we can show you how with the Wacom Intuos Pro creative pen tablet.

How to supercharge the Adobe® brush engine with Wacom pressure sensitivity

The Adobe Brush Engine in Photoshop can be an amazing tool. When you connect a Wacom pen tablet or creative pen display to your computer, Photoshop recognizes your use of the tablet and gives you access to a number of capabilities that were not available to you before. One of the most significant benefits is the recognition of pressure sensitivity in the Wacom pen. All tools that leverage the Brush Engine can take advantage of pressure sensitivity.

Wacom 数位板在 Photoshop 中的优势

Photoshop 中有 20 多种或更多工具和笔刷可识别 Wacom 的压感数位笔。从克隆图章和修复笔刷,到涂层蒙版和调节涂层,您都可以动态调节色温曝光度、色调、对比度以及大多数其他特征,这全都可以通过调节在数位板上按压数位笔的力度来实现。利用 Wacom 压感数位笔,您的创意编辑和增强操作将产生更加自然、协调的效果。

下面是 Photoshop 中可受益于压感数位笔的最常见任务的清单:

  • 通过克隆图章工具进行润饰:此工具可利用压感技术巧妙地去除元素,进而达到自然、专业的效果。
  • 改进笔刷效果:使用笔刷工具和软边笔刷时,可借助压感技术细微地改善肤色、增亮眼部和柔化某些特征。
  • 创建选区:选区工具是 Photoshop 中最难掌握的工具之一,而利用压感数位笔可在图像上更加精准地绘制选择目标。
  • 合成任务:借助压感笔刷和涂层蒙版功能,可创建自然、直观的蒙版,进而帮助您创造出自然而又备显良苦用心的合成图像。
  • 定向调节图层:用笔刷在图像上进行调整,并根据您在数位板上施加的笔压力度控制效果的不透明度。

如果使用 Wacom 压感数位笔在 Photoshop 中完成上述所有任务,您就可以体验到高度的控制力。

Programmable ExpressKeys™

The programmable ExpressKeys on your Intuos Pro pen tablet are likely a nice surprise and a productivity tool you may not have expected. So many functions can be controlled by using the ExpressKeys on a tablet. These can be as simple as selecting the brush panel, or they can be programmed to do complex tasks, such as creating an inverted layer mask. If you can do it with keyboard shortcuts, it can be programmed as an ExpressKey action. Not only that, but you can have a whole set of ExpressKeys settings for each application that you run on your computer. The tablet knows which application you are using and changes the ExpressKeys accordingly.

Adobe® Lightroom® takes note of pressure sensitivity

Lightroom serves a crucial image management and editing role in a Photographer's workflow. Taking a cue from its customers, Adobe introduced pressure-sensitive pen features in the adjustment brush to help you do some of your image editing in Lightroom.

Similar to Photoshop, when you use a Wacom pen tablet in Lightroom, you gain the ability to more precisely and subtly enhance your images, so that your retouching looks natural. Examples include brightening the eyes, adding color to the pupils, or following the natural contours in your photo to add definition to cheeks and lips.

Wacom 在 Photoshop 多点触控界面上的效果

最近,Adobe 在 Photoshop 中引入了多点触控支持,这与我们已经在 Adobe® Illustrator® 中体验过的功能类似。多点触控手势有助于更快地找到需要编辑的细节,并更加直观地进行所需更改,因而可加速您的工作流程。借助集成的多点触控功能,Wacom 影拓 Pro 和新帝系列可使您轻松进行双指开合、缩放和旋转,同时可使用 Wacom 数位笔涂刷需要增强的部位。

Wacom products for image editing

Choose up to 4 products

Wacom Cintiq Pro 16

An ultra high-definition pen display with multi-touch capabilities designed for creative professionals.

Wacom Intuos Pro Paper

A professional pen tablet with added paper-to-digital functionality available in medium and large sizes

Wacom Intuos Pro

A professional pen tablet with multi-touch capabilities available in small, medium and large sizes

Wacom One (Gen. 1)

A high definition creative pen display designed for creative hobbyists and visual thinkers

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