Digital Education Day – November 12th, Wacom Experience Center Düsseldorf

Digital Education Day – November 12th, Wacom Experience Center Düsseldorf


The pen is mightier than the sword, yes. But what is the right amount of digital education in schools? And how can we make the most of the possibilities, while ensuring equal access to digital tools for all?

In modern education, analog ink has always played a key role. With the increasing digitization of the learning environment, using ink on a digital device opens up new educational opportunities and makes ink even more important.

This was the topic covered in one of the education sessions at Connected Ink 2021. But this year, we want to do more. Instead of running a few sessions on digital education within the creative-heavy Connected Ink event, we’re dedicating one full day to this exciting area.

On Saturday, November 12th, the Wacom Experience Center in Düsseldorf will host a variety of different keynotes, panel discussions and networking opportunities around and within the German and European education scene, across school and arts education. These sessions will also be streamed to YouTube, so you can participate from anywhere in the world.


With the support of partners from the education technology industry, various education organizations, startups and non-profits, we want to give you the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about state-of-the-art digital education technology and practices.

Are you a (soon-to-be) teacher or parent, passionate about digital education and how to best support your child in their (digital) development? Are you a company, organization or startup looking to extend your knowledge in digital education? Are you interested in what is technologically possible, what is already being achieved today, or what can still be done by joining forces to shape the future of digital education together? Then the Digital Education Day 2022 is the right place for you.

With plenty of opportunities to chat and connect with our speakers and partners, digitally or onsite, you can use the day to grow your network, meet fascinating organizations and people, and broaden your digital education horizon.

Stay tuned, because more information on the different sessions and speakers is coming soon!

