Classroom video conferencing tips for and with your teaching tablet

Classroom video conference and collaboration tools are vital in helping teachers to share and help develop skills. The lack of in-person tuition needn’t be an obstacle to learning. But doing this effectively is a challenge. Here are the best ways to do so while ensuring students remain engaged and able to produce their best work.

Set an agenda and objective for the class

It’s important to have a clear learning objective for students on a video call, just as it is in the classroom. This can either be shared beforehand over email or laid out in the first few minutes of the call. This will help students to engage and get themselves ready for class.

Set a task to do before the classroom video conference

A surefire way to get debate moving, tasks that are set via email or group chat before a virtual class give teachers something to discuss and students a good understanding of what to expect from the upcoming session. This can take the form of a research project that members of the class can collaborate on or traditional homework assignments.

Use one-to-one calls for students to work together

Teaching large classes over group chat doesn’t mean there’s no space for group or one-to-one work. Before starting a call, work out which students can work with each other. Set aside time during the lesson to end the wider call and get students to work on a problem in pairs or small groups by calling each other. There’s then scope for each group or pairing to present their work to their peers, just as they would in a classroom setting.

Take a virtual field trip

While actual field trips are off limits, there’s still ample scope to tap into virtual resources and take classes to amazing places all over the world. This can range from walking tours around major museums, game drives through safari parks or treks across nature reserves and parks. Online resources are vast and often free, so it pays to take some time to search out the best video tours which can then be played to the class and supplement virtual learning programs.

Use collaborative documents to help students work together

The advent of shared documents that everyone can work on at the same time means it’s easier than ever for students to collaborate on a report or a mindmap. It’s as simple as inviting them via email to edit a document, with the added bonus of being able to check its history to see who has contributed what. Best of all, shared documents also allow for comments, a bonus for teachers when it comes to marking and annotating assignments with a tablet for teachers. Using a Wacom pen display or pen tablet for teaching allows for handwritten edits and notes, which are proven to boost memory and retention.

Bring in experts

Getting experts in their field to come and deliver a lecture or talk can be a logistical challenge. But with virtual learning, the barriers are much lower. With people working from home and the need to travel to a location taken out of the equation, asking a guest speaker to join a classroom video conference and share their knowledge is easier than ever. This is a smart and simple way to boost class morale and offer different perspectives on a variety of subjects.

Use virtual whiteboards

Virtual whiteboards are readily accessible online and can be plugged into video conferencing software easily. They’re especially useful when teaching math and science classes, when problems and solutions need to be presented visually to the class. Using them will help students understand better – they can even make screen grabs of the whiteboard and save them for future reference. Handwritten lessons and notes are more personal, with research showing that they have the power to boost interaction more than typed handouts and documents.

Record, review and share

Professional video conferencing tech allows users to record sessions. This is useful for students who are unable to attend virtual classes or for those who want a refresher on what was discussed during a lesson or lecture. It also makes it easier to share sessions via social media and to review best practices to help improve future classes.

eLearning and video conference made easy. Get started with Wacom One.

Whether you’re teaching or learning, Wacom One makes it easy. It enables you to explain concepts visually, encourage collaboration and express your creativity. Software comes included, along with the ability to connect to certain Android devices. And the pen feels just like paper on the 13.3” screen. Open up a new world of learning and collaboration.

Recommended product

Wacom One 13
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.

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Pen tablets

Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.

Pen displays

Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.


Write with pen on paper and convert your handwritten notes to digital.


Write and quickly note ideas on your mobile device with a Wacom stylus.

關於 Wacom

透過自然的介面技術讓人與科技緊密相依,是 Wacom 一貫的願景。這項願景讓 Wacom 成長為全球的互動式數位板、手寫液晶顯示器及數位筆的龍頭製造商,更是數位簽章保存與處理解決方案供應商。Wacom 直覺式輸入裝置的先進技術,已在全球各地造就出許多一流數位藝術、電影、特效、時尚及設計鉅作,其領先的介面技術同時為商業和家庭用戶提供表達自我個性的利器。創立於 1983 年的 Wacom 是全球性企業,總部位於日本(東京證券交易所股號:6727),分公司及行銷與銷售代表處遍佈世界各地 150 多個國家。

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