19. 11月 2022
15:15 - 15:45

Can technologies Boost Family Ties?

Design | Philosophy | Technology
时长: 30 分钟
同传翻译: 支持
字幕: 没有
类型: In Person

Family relationships are always special: in every moment and at every age. The community we call our family was given to us by fate. We nourish these human relationships in which our emotions float, accumulate, and are constantly changing. All kinds of media are available for capturing the memories of such emotions. mui effectively uses Wacom’s digital technology and carries out R&D activities focusing on family ties. What if we can give a story to non-explicit emotions that are quietly hanging in the air? You may feel a certain beauty in these emotions for their drifting ephemerality. But they will eventually vanish without being treasured. What if we could extract this subconscious essence with the help of technology? We may then arrive in an unknown realm of new discoveries. By making the unnoticeable noticeable to family members, would it help create new family bonds? These ideas are the theme of this talk, following a review of the joint development projects between mui and Wacom.


