18. 11月 2022
15:15 - 15:45

Life Ink – A Three-Year Journey in a Joint Quest by Wacom and Ars Electronica

Art | Concept Art | Education | Philosophy | Technology
时长: 30 分钟
母语: Japanese
同传翻译: 支持
字幕: 没有
类型: paneldiscussion

Life Ink – A Three-Year Journey in a Joint Quest by Wacom and Ars Electronica

Where is my soul? Three years have passed since Wacom and Ars Electronica asked this question together, embarking on a journey in search of the source of human creativity.

Wacom and Ars Electronica have continually been asking themselves this same question for the past three years. In doing so, they aim to illuminate the future of ink. The project explores how the human soul, or kotodama, is expressed and finds its way to others’ hearts. Their activities were guided by a concept called Space Ink in the first year, and Bio Ink in the second year, serving as a kind of device for interpreting the framework question.

In the third year of their collaboration, they are focusing on human bodies as a carrier of the human soul, launching the Life Ink project to visualize its inner workings in the form of ink.

Here they give you an overview of their collaborative activities and bring you closer to Life Link by sharing talks and scenes from a related performance staged in Linz on September 8.

Take a deep dive into an exciting quest undertaken by Wacom and Ars Electronica in constant dialog together.



