Wacom 在创意捕捉领域的应用


协作总是充满乐趣。Bamboo™ Stylus 则会令乐趣翻倍。无论是在办公室、在家里还是您喜欢的任何地方,您现在都可以更轻松地标记与同事共享的文本文档和其他数字资源。清晰标出您要更改的内容,展现要强调的方面,并明确您的意图。总之,您将能够以更具表现力的方式保持互联。

Share every detail

An e-mail or a call isn't always the most productive way to get things done. Choose a more visual and personal way of working together – using your Bamboo Fineline. Precisely draw out your ideas on your iPad, send it to your partner and get their feedback. Your Bamboo Fineline gives you free access to Inkspace services supports many collaboration products and opens up a new world for tablet collaboration. Share the fine difference – to unchain your business or learning experience.


谈到分享快乐,“协作”一词显得过于生硬。将 Bamboo Solo 或 Bamboo Duo 化作您的魔术棒,获得令人愉悦的交流体验。用智能手机拍照后,您可以使用触控笔在其中流畅地加入个人风格,再将照片发送给好友。下面就等着对方的热烈反响了。


体验使用您常用的协作应用程序的乐趣。例如,您可以借助 Bamboo Stylus 来通过附在照片上的数字手写备注邀请您的好友。但是您也可以直接将您的个人留言写在纸质传单上,然后通过智能手机或者平板电脑将其发送出去。体验以最顺畅的方式随时保持联系所带来的更个性化的自由感。

Wacom products for collaboration

Choose up to 4 products

Bamboo Fineline

A smart stylus with pressure sensitivity designed for a natural writing experience on iOS touch devices

Bamboo Tip

A fine-tip stylus that gives you fidelity when taking notes exactly as you want on iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Bamboo Duo

An essential two-in-one stylus perfect for those who want to smoothly tap, write or draw on all touchscreens and paper.

Bamboo Solo

An essential stylus that enables you to smoothly tap, write and draw on your tablet, smartphone or PC touchscreen.

Bamboo Alpha

A stylus for smudge-free navigation and quality performance on touch screens.

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