Connected Ink Humanity Day – November 15th

Connected Ink Humanity Day – November 15th

How has technology affected humanity?

There’s no doubt that technology has transformed the human experience. It has changed the way we live, how we work and how we interact with one another. Ultimately, it has even changed the way society functions. Which is why we need to ask ourselves: Are all these changes really for the better?

How can a non-profit and a Visual Arts school use technology, design, and science to improve the lives of the limb-difference community? Can digital art be used as a tool for social impact through visually narrating important topics such as mental health?

These are just a few of the topics we will be discussing, both in person and virtually, for Humanity Day @ CI22. We encourage everyone to participate as we want to provide a safe space to discuss these topics and more through interactive presentations and discussions.  

After all, everyone has different answers to these complex questions. But that's what makes us human, isn't it?

All online sessions are free and do not require registration and will be streamed live on the Connected Ink YouTube channel. Head on over to the Session Page for times, links, and more information.

Registration is required for all in person events happening at the Wacom Experience Center PDX. You can register HERE.

We look forward to welcoming you!



