Wacom 在创意捕捉领域的应用


有时,言语并不足以表达一切。为什么不把它们留下来?拿起您的 Bamboo™ Stylus,勾画出您脑海中的想法。它手感自然,美观大方。

Free your imagination

Communication is so much more than just words. With your Bamboo Stylus you can unleash your inspiration any way you want – whether you draw down a small route map for your guests, personalize a photo with a little doodle or you want to sketch down an idea on how to re-arrange your furniture. Your Bamboo Stylus turns every touch screen into a digital notepad for smooth doodling – stunningly easy.


Bamboo Duo 一物两用,既可用于触摸屏,又可用于纸张。无论在任何地方,您都能够以自己的个人风格随意而流畅地进行勾画。与用言辞解释一切相比,以涂鸦方式勾画创意通常要容易得多。Bamboo Stylus 可让您在数字笔记本上获得更多数字涂鸦乐趣,并在纸质记事本上获得更多勾画乐趣,从而更轻松、高效地进行交流。


Bamboo Sketch可以在您的 iPad 上留下细节表现精细的笔迹,使其成为一件出色的涂鸦工具。跟随您的灵感,轻松地勾画出您脑中的图景 — 无论是美术创意、演示文稿中的饼状图还是一台新机器的初定草稿。体验可与传统纸笔的效果和手感媲美的数字涂鸦。

Wacom products for doodling

Choose up to 4 products

Bamboo Tip

A fine-tip stylus that gives you fidelity when taking notes exactly as you want on iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Bamboo Duo

An essential two-in-one stylus perfect for those who want to smoothly tap, write or draw on all touchscreens and paper.

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