











(1) First of all, we’ll need that same triangle between the eyes that we learned about in the How to Draw Eyes tutorial. This triangle marks the area between the eyebrows and the nose bone.

(2) Next, we draw the cross of our pyramid. At this point we can already determine how wide our nose is going to be. The average nose is about as wide as the distance between the eyes. So I will keep this width for this nose.

The crossbar also defines whether the nose will eventually point upwards or downwards. The higher the crossbar, the more upwards the nose is going to point.

(3) As viewed from the front, we don't need to draw a height for our pyramid because naturally, from this perspective, the pyramid looks like the cross. Keep in mind that this is only the case in the front on view.

(4) Now we turn the pyramid into a nose. The tip of the nose sits at the top of the pyramid. To represent this, we simply draw a circle. If you draw a smaller circle, the nose will end up looking pointier. Sometimes it will actually be a good idea to draw a hexagon or diamond shape instead of a circle for the tip of the nose. But let's stick with a circle for this one.

(5) At the bottom two corners of our pyramid, we'll draw in the wings of the nose. You can use the lines as a guide just like in the picture. Below the tip of the nose, we mark the septum (i.e. the area between the nostrils) using two more lines. It should get narrower towards the bottom.

(6) We can now draw the nostrils starting from the lower edge. This is done simply by drawing two narrow, inverted U’s bent slightly outward. Make sure that the nostrils end at the top of the cross line of the pyramid.

(7) The border between the top and bottom of the nose is an invaluable line. This importance may not be immediately obvious, but it's super useful later when you’re figuring out where the light and shadow sides of the nose are when you're coloring. It's also great to suggest three dimensionality in a pure line-drawing.

Draw the line like a wave, following the bottom edge of the nose-tip circle. I call it "nose-tip-edge-wave". It sounds funnier in German, trust me.

(8) Now let's draw the bridge of the nose. It is not uniformly pronounced on every nose: sometimes it’s enough just to subtly hint at it. Most importantly you should understand that, like in the picture, it is made up of two areas that thicken slightly towards the middle. The upper area is the nasal bone. There is a bone directly under the skin here. Below this point, there’s no more bone.

(9) Last but not least, we can very easily draw in the nose based on our construction. It's up to you to decide which lines you want to emphasize, and which ones to play down. I’ve taken the sides of the tip of the nose off to soften the transition from tip to wing. On the bridge, I’ve highlighted the nasal bone a bit while also bringing the edges of the two triangles forward.




(1) In profile, the nose looks fundamentally different than it does from the front. But we use the same method to construct it. Start again with the triangle between the eyebrows. However, this time the triangle actually becomes a line, since we’re seeing it from the side.

(2) We position the pyramid behind the “triangle” line. This way the indentation happens at approximately the level of the upper eyelid.

(3) For the tip of the nose this time, let's use a diamond. It's best not to use hard, straight lines for the diamond. Rather try using slightly outward sweeping strokes. This will make your nose look more organic.

(4) Place the nose wing at the edge of the pyramid just like before. Of course, in profile we only see one. Below the tip of the nose, we make the connecting line almost horizontal. And just below that, the philtrum begins.

(5) 从这个角度看,鼻孔很窄,甚至可以说根本看不到。为了暗示有鼻孔存在,我们需要画出鼻翼下缘。从这三种变化来看,你会发现线条可以从鼻尖开始,也可以从金字塔的角落开始。我选择独立绘制这些线条,这样做也可以。

(6) 鼻子能创造出非常不一样的轮廓,可以非常特别。你需要沿着金字塔的山脊前进,正好七笔。

(7) 同样地,绘制过程中我们可以随时添加或删除一些结构线条。两条非常有用的线条是“鼻尖边缘波浪”(图片右侧起标记处)和一条暗示颧骨的线条(左侧起)。


(1) In the half profile, spatial imagination is a little more challenging than it is in the full profile or the frontal view. As you can see, the triangle between the eyebrows is distorted a bit to the left.

(2) Let's be very conscientious this time and remove the distance between the eyes again first for the pyramid.

(3) This give us the space to draw in the cross for the base.

(4) We can determine the height of the pyramid from the center, i.e. how far the nose will protrude from the face.

(5) Now all we have to do is connect the vertices and our pyramid is ready.

(6) For the tip of the nose, we can choose a more advanced shape. Let’s imagine the hexagon as a curved three-dimensional object – like a hemisphere or a soup bowl. In this rotated perspective, the angles of the hexagon on the left side will be a little flatter. This doesn't have to be constructed so precisely, but it will make the nose a tiny bit more organic.

(7) 鼻翼线,与往常一样从金字塔边缘开始画。我这次选择画棱角分明的鼻孔。

(8) 鼻梁与鼻根也可以画得更突出或是更活泼一些。

(9) 我们的鼻尖实际上由两个独立的侧面组成。有时候,这种两侧的分离是以穿过鼻尖中间的折痕形式呈现。我们用这个鼻子试试看,在中间画一条折痕。

(10) 从鼻尖折痕到鼻梁的过渡,现在呈现 V 形。实际绘图中,这表示我们鼻尖六角形的上侧将被替换成 V 形。

(11) 这次我们让“鼻尖边缘波浪”直接穿过鼻尖中间,而不要从下缘穿过。波浪纹也可以稍微调整一下,符合有棱有角的风格。

(12) 再加几条细线,支撑鼻梁和金字塔的边缘。在我们的鼻子上,中心折痕会一路延伸到鼻骨。

(13) 别急着去掉所有的结构线。部分结构线在之后的线稿里其实效果会很好。如各位所见,我只是把其中一些我不想过于强调的线条弄淡一点。鼻尖扭曲、弯曲的六角形很像是有机生命体,在之后的线稿中效果依然会很好。



(1) Just like before, we orientate ourselves with the pyramid form. Now viewed from below, it takes the form of a triangle with a central axis.

(2) At the top of the triangle, the tip of the nose is again a circle or hexagon.

(3) From this perspective, the area above the mouth appears just below to the nose. However, instead of being flat, the dental ridge is more rounded from this perspective. We just need to adapt the flat lower edge of the pyramid to include this roundness.

(4) The nosewings become the connecting lines between pyramid corners and the tip of the nose. To give the wings thickness and sweep, you can draw them using two elegant strokes each as shown in the picture.

(5) Between the tip of the nose and the dental ridge, we see the lower end of the septum.

(6) A little further towards the tip of the nose, the septum becomes thicker. We represent this by drawing a bump on either side of the septum.

(7) 鼻孔呈现拉长的球状 O 形。

(8) 在外侧,鼻翼线与鼻孔平行。在顶部,这条线与鼻尖相交,而在底部则与凸起部位重叠。

(9) 鼻孔内当然是暗色的。但我们先不要花太多心思在阴影。我们目前专注在线条上。当然,你还是可以把鼻孔涂成深色,但在所有轮廓与结构线到位之前,别这样做。


(1) Lastly, let's try the nose from below and at an angle. Our upper triangle is going to be longer from this angle and again distorted towards the side.

(2) Deciding where to put the base for the pyramid can be tricky from this perspective. But from the profile-view we know that the base intersects the upper triangle about halfway up. And we know that the bottom edge of the pyramid meets the guide line of our headshape. These two points can be used to identify the center axis.

(3) Calculating the width of the nose by using the distance between the eyes like we did before is a bit confusing from this perspective. This is because those dashed lines are no longer straight – now they run along the curve of the cheek. (Strictly speaking, this is also the case in the half profile).

(4) The peak axis of the pyramid should be oriented in the same direction as the head.

(5) That was the hardest part – Now the pyramid is in place.

(6) The curve representing the area between mouth and nose must be adjusted according to the line of sight, so that it flattens and widens on the side facing the viewer. Specifically, we are drawing the upper section of a twisted ellipse here.

(7) The hexagon is again a good choice to show the tip of the nose. It’s going to be useful in indicating the three-dimensional curvature.

(8) Now let’s proceed with the formula.

(9)The bulges to the left and right of the septum are not equally visible in this perspective. The right one is almost entirely hidden by the septum.

(10) We also see less of the right nostril than we do the left.

(11) And the bridge of the nose also appears very narrow. The further down we look, the nose itself shortens.

(12) The "nose-tip-edge-wave" now lies precisely along the red line.

(13) Finally, we can add some shading to the nostrils. And light hatching can defuse the edges somewhat, as here between the tip of the nose and the septum.




Draw a realistic nose. Get started with Wacom One.

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