Toda la creatividad en el aula

Anime a sus estudiantes a explorar, experimentar y expresar su creatividad, cultivando a la vez el pensamiento crítico y la capacidad de solución de problemas a la que recurrirán durante toda su vida con la tecnología de Wacom para el sector educativo.

Unleash your students' creative potential

How do you inspire your students to expand their creatives horizons, preparing them for successful careers in art and design? Help them develop their passions by training on the tools that today's studios, agencies and creative professionals rely on.

Learn more about Wacom products for advanced art and design

"We are focused on developing our student’s skills so they can be successful in the workplace. Our commitment is to offer the best technology so that tomorrow they don’t have to start from scratch, they know what tools exist, and can demonstrate what they can do with them."

- Christian Pascual,
Associate Director of Academic Program Animation and Digital Arts

Instill a creative foundation

Whether you're opening the world of creativity to primary school children or mentoring aspiring fashion designers in secondary schools, you can enrich their learning with Wacom products in the classroom.

Engage your students with a digital platform to explore their passions in writing, drawing, painting and more. Use Wacom pen tablets and smartpads to encourage hands-on experimentation, foster collaboration and build solid critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Learn more about Wacom products for primary and secondary schools. ::before ::after

Spur student participation and collaboration

Foster interaction and stimulate deeper learning by incorporating different teaching styles and environments into your curriculum. Wacom products make it easy to explain concepts visually, encourage collaboration, and support flipped and distance learning programs.

Tailor your teaching to the unique needs of each student by writing, sketching and annotating on screen, spontaneously. Or create rich interactive content they can review at their own pace.

Learn more about Wacom products for the interactive classroom. ::before ::after

Get schooled in Wacom products for education

PC interactivas

Libertad creativa y precisión de lápiz en pantalla.


Monitores interactivos

Claridad y sensibilidad del color que permiten explayarse en detalles.


Pen tablets

Un punto de partida ideal, especialmente para la fotografía y los bocetos.



Transforma las notas que capturas con el lápiz sobre el papel en archivos digitales que se puedan compartir.


Contact a Wacom Specialist to learn more about our products or education pricing

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