Un partenariat qui soutient le développement des studios de création dans le monde entier

Qu'ils sculptent des personnages pour les jeux vidéos ou qu'ils dessinent des concepts à l'infini pour des produits de consommation innovants, les studios de création du monde entier ont un point commun : ils tirent profit de la puissance des stylets et de la technologie d'affichage Wacom pour décupler leur fibre artistique.

Achieve the right effect

Motion graphics and video editing require a blend of creativity and technical skill. Knowing what to cut, rearrange, color correct and tune affects how viewers experience the story. Adding visual effects, transitions and animated graphic cards further enhances the story and tone. Wacom pen tablets and displays make the process more intuitive, comfortable and efficient.

Using Wacom's pressure-sensitive pen in Adobe Premier Pro® and After Effects Maxon Cinema 4D® or Apple Motion®, artists and editors have more control over frame-by-frame editing, retoscoping and matte painting. It's a more natural way to work - one that reduces the fatigue that can come from long hours of repetitive hand, wrist and shoulder motion. Customizable ExpressKeys and Touch Rings provide convenient access to menu items and multi-stroke key commands, allowing faster navigation through footage and sequences. With Wacom, it's easier to transform rough-cut footage into polished video that makes an impact.

Find out how Wacom pen tablets and interactive displays play a dominant role in motion graphics and video editing.

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