碳纤维触控笔 + 圆珠笔

触屏还是纸面?有了二合一 Bamboo Duo,您可以自由在这两种材质上顺畅地书写和绘画 - 可以选择使用碳纤维笔尖或黑色圆珠笔。

Bamboo Duo logo art

Combine the best of two worlds: Use Bamboo Duo as a stylus for smoothly tapping and light note taking on any touch device or for fluid writing on paper with its premium quality ballpoint pen. Enjoy well-balanced, outstanding ergonomics and a smooth, pen-like experience on screen.

为什么选择 Bamboo Duo


用数字或模拟方式捕捉灵感。选择 Bamboo Duo 一端的光滑碳纤维笔尖或另一端的高品质黑色圆珠笔。


Bamboo Duo 专为日常使用而设计,兼容标准 D1 笔芯。光滑的碳纤维笔尖经久耐用,而且可以更换。


Bamboo Duo 采用握持手感舒适的设计,且表面触感柔软,因而,无论您是将其用作触控笔还是圆珠笔,均可体验均衡舒适的的握感。


Bamboo Duo 采用现代设计,并具备四种颜色 – 您可以选择黑色、白色、蓝色和粉色。磁性笔帽安全牢固,可使用笔夹将触控笔夹在您的平板电脑保护套上。

Bamboo Paper 图标

Bamboo Paper——将您的移动设备转变为纸质笔记本

免费的Bamboo Paper应用程序帮助您捕捉思想和创意、笔记、素描和绘画,就像使用真正的纸、笔一样直接和轻松。

了解更多关于Bamboo Paper的信息  ::before ::after

Inkspace 图标


在Bamboo Paper无缝集成的Inkspace云服务中,您可以最多储存5 GB并随时随地访问和分享您的Bamboo Paper文件,而且可自动备份和恢复您的工作。 

了解更多关于Inkspace的信息 ::before ::after

Bamboo solo use case 1

Navigate with ease

Checking your emails is convenient and quick, as Bamboo Duo's carbon fiber tip is designed for smooth performance on tablets, smartphones and PCs.

Bamboo solo use case 2


You don't have to decide whether you want to capture your notes and ideas on screen or on paper. Bamboo Duo offers you both possibilities.

Bamboo solo use case 3 b

Let's play

Use the perfectly balanced and comfortable Bamboo Duo for smooth game playing on your touchscreen devices.


Stylus carbon fiber nibs

2-pack of Bamboo Stylus replacement carbon fiber nibs for 3rd and 4th generation stylus.


Weight (g)


Size (mm)

141 cap on ballpoint

9 diameter

Pen Nib

6mm pen nib si

6 mm nib diameter Exchangeable carbon fiber nib. See accessories for replacement nibs.


Compatible with tablets, smartphones and computers with touch technology

Tested Devices

BambooDuo SpecsThumbnail
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