Perfect for what you do
Making manga and comics is fun! With the right tools, you can bring your ideas to life on the page and make your characters look fantastic. It's easier than you think when you're working on your computer with Intuos Manga.
Making manga and comics is fun! With the right tools, you can bring your ideas to life on the page and make your characters look fantastic. It's easier than you think when you're working on your computer with Intuos Manga.
Intuos Manga pairs the freedom of ink with digital convenience. The pressure-sensitive pen gives you a natural brushstroke, the same way you draw on paper. There's an endless array of digital brushes, colors, and effects right at your fingertips. No need to frequently replace supplies or clean up a studio. Sketch, ink, and color with one tool.
Ink can be a hassle to edit. Now you can make changes quickly and easily. Change the character or her whole world. Rearrange, copy, or remove panels. No need to start over.
Then publish your drawings straight to your favorite online gallery or social media site, like Pixiv or deviantART.
让您的项目走得更远。您掌握数位板上的绘画技巧后,就可以进行更多尝试了。创作您自己的故事?用数字编辑和效果呈现故事。用动画形式表现您的美术作品?导入您的绘画作品并将其转变为轻松操控的矢量图像。创作图画小说?利用故事文件在一个位置跟踪整个故事。影拓 Manga 支持您的每一步创作。
在考虑往职业化方向发展?正所谓,熟能生巧。Wacom 产品功能全面、数字品质易于使用,是职业漫画家的选择。选择新帝系列产品可获得专为艺术家准备的一系列的功能。
Our pen tablets fully support creative software you already use. Art software lines - including Celsys, Adobe®, Corel® - all work beautifully with Wacom products.
Of course, creative applications fully support Wacom's touch and pressure-sensitive features. Wacom partners with illustrators and animators to design the tools they trust to realize worlds of art.
显然,您不会仅限于绘制漫画!Wacom 数位板可以在所有材料类型间无缝切换。心无止境,则创作无休。绘图、素描、绘画、设计等等,均可选择。您会发现对于您的人物角色、您的故事和您,影拓 Manga 都是理想的创作工具。