Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
The new learning environment has created fresh challenges for educators. Education must continue without interruption – whether students are in a physical classroom, learning from home, or a combination of both.
However, without the traditional classroom, teachers and students lose their direct and physical interactivity. Teachers need replacements for whiteboards – spaces where they can write formulas and equations or annotate abstract shapes, so their students can see and understand ideas in real time. Teachers and students also need to be able to collaborate, annotate each other’s work and show their thinking in visual formats.
Our pen tablets for school are just the tools to overcome the new challenges of remote learning. With them, it’s easier for teachers to teach and students to learn.
Wacom은 디지털 학습을 한 단계 더 진화시킵니다. 현실적인 디지털 펜이 키보드와 마우스의 한계를 넘어 어디서나 교실에서의 경험을 다시 재현합니다. 이전에는 본 적 없던 방식으로 쓰고, 주석을 달고, 작성하고, 협동하거나, 학습하고 가르치는 일에 엄청난 자유를 선사합니다.
이 제품은 최신 버전의 ChromeOS가 구동되는 기기와 함께 작동하며, Google의 호환성 표준 충족에 대한 인증을 받았습니다. Google은 본 제품의 작동 또는 안전 요구사항 준수에 대한 책임이 없습니다. Chromebook과 Works With Chromebook 배지는 Google LLC의 상표입니다. 펜은 ChromeOS를 작동할 수 있는 타블렛과 함께 사용해야 합니다.
This product works with devices capable of running the latest version of Chrome OS and has been certified to meet Google's compatibility standards. Google is not responsible for the operation of this product or its compliance with safety requirements. Chromebook and the Works With Chromebook badge are trademarks of Google LLC.
Accurate and easy-to-use digital pens are revolutionizing remote learning, helping teachers do on screen what they’re used to doing on a blackboard or whiteboard. Importantly, they don’t have to change the way they work and can also easily connect with their students. Our pen tablets for teaching are compatible with popular video conferencing apps, including Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
Digital pens are ideal for technical subjects like maths and visual topics like biology or physiology, and for making annotations and mark ups in texts.
Pens really are the ultimate teaching aid. They’ve been used to teach, express and understand complex thoughts and concepts for centuries. The pen is one of the most intuitive, naturally interactive tools, and now Wacom is bringing the power of the pen to the digital classroom.
Teachers and students find that digital pens are essential for subjects that put a strong emphasis on graphs, calculations and diagrams to help explain concepts. For example, science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
With a pen tablet for teaching or a pen display connected to their PC, teachers can articulate complex processes and ideas, annotate on students’ assignments, and add handwritten notes on PDFs, Word and PowerPoint documents.
And as our tech is compatible with existing software and hardware, teachers don’t have to change the way they teach.
Now teaching can happen in two places. Teachers can demonstrate concepts to students in the room at the same time as those joining virtually through eLearning, so no student is left behind. Lessons are projected onto the classroom wall from the PC screen as a whiteboard for those attending in person. While at the same time, students learning remotely can view the whiteboard from home through video apps like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Also, teachers can write formulas with a pen tablet for teaching, and pupils can interact with the lesson at the same time, wherever they are. Teaching is more efficient as there’s no need to repeat lessons. And both teachers and their students can get back to a nearly normal learning experience, almost as if the whole class were back together again..
Wacom’s intuitive pen tablets and displays are designed for everyone to use easily. Our pioneering pen technology makes using these devices feel totally comfortable and natural. Studies show that hand writing notes reinforces the learning experience. But typing up notes and organizing them digitally has replaced this for many people. Now, students are relying on typed notes more than ever. But they don’t have to with Wacom.
Our solutions combine the freedom of working by hand with the convenience of working digitally. For example, our pen tablets are intuitive, natural devices for taking notes and expressing thoughts digitally. They are as simple as putting pen to paper. The digital pen works like a mouse, only better, providing an easier, more comfortable way to work at speed. And, just like paper, there’s no software to install, no complicated cabling to locate – just plug and play.
Our pen displays are perfect for any subject where a visual aid would be helpful – to explain concepts or jot down diagrams and formulae – and can be used as digital whiteboard, helping both those in class and remote learners.
Wacom has almost 40 years’ experience providing technology solutions that empower people to create and work digitally.
We are renowned as the experts for artwork, design and engineering. But our products and services are used by many in the education sector for the value they add to both teachers and students alike.
Wacom products allow both teachers and students to draw, diagram, write notes, and solve problems on popular online whiteboards, keeping presentations and discussions engaging, interactive and memorable. Through this technology Wacom are enabling teachers and students to reclaim the classroom experience when working remotely.
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
Wacom 的愿景是通过自然的界面技术汇聚人与科技。这项愿景让 Wacom 成长为交互式数位板、数位屏及数位触控笔的全球性制造商,以及数字签名保存与处理解决方案提供商。Wacom 直观输入设备所采用的技术已催生出全世界诸多一线数字艺术品、电影、特效、时尚及设计佳作,其界面技术同时为商业和家庭用户提供表达自我个性的利器。创办于 1983 年的 Wacom 公司是一家全球性公司,总部位于日本(东京证券交易所上市编号:6727),分公司及营销与销售代表处遍布世界各地 150 多个国家/地区。