11. Nov 2022
12:00 AM - 12:45 AM

From 3000 BC to Web 3.0: The Relevance of Handwriting for the Digital Identity

ID and Signature | Technology
Duration: 45 min
Original language: English
Simultaneous interpretation: No
Subtitles: No
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You are a person with a unique identity. You can use your signature to close a contract – without anybody else being involved in that moment. But that is currently only true for the “real world.” Things are different online. With no control over our digital self, we rely on third parties to provide us with an identity. But this is going to change with the emerging Web 3.0 and SSI technology. The electronic handwritten signature with its unique biometric features will play a significant role – for a natural, widely accepted, data-saving, and intentional proof of person in the digital world.