艺术总监兼图形设计师 Koji Yoda 因其为 DIR EN GREY 和 the GazettE 等日本当红摇滚乐队制作的艺术唱片封面而著名,也因他为视觉冲击摇滚乐队 BABYMETAL 的首张专辑所创作的艺术作品而闻名于世。Koji 出生于艺术世家,早年受到家人的启迪和熏陶,通过拼接不同材料以超现实的艺术方式来表达自己的情感。
这位拼贴画艺术家通过将人物、花草树木、漆样纹理图案和其他有趣的材料重叠在一起,创造了独一无二的世界。Koji Yoda 从小说和音乐中汲取创作灵感,非常享受顺其自然地触发新的创作灵感这一逐渐演变的过程。要查看他的 CD 和 DVD 封面艺术作品全集,请访问 Rokushiki.jp。
In this advanced step-by-step tutorial, Art Director Koji Yoda explains how to make collages, along with his secrets for expressing feelings and stories, by combining real world materials on a digital canvas, using his Intuos Pro. Koji has developed a special process to create his collages; He first elaborates his ideas while interpreting, dismantling, and constructing the motif of his artwork. He then gathers and creates his own materials while considering the methods to put the idea into form. Once gathered, he arranges and overlaps all materials to further develop the image. Koji believes that continuous changes to the overall layout are the real joy of collage.