11. Nov 2022
01:30 - 02:15

Cintiq Pro and The Future of Design Creation: Exploring the Metaverse

Design | Technology
Dauer: 45 Min.
Ursprüngliche Sprache: English
Simultanverdolmetschung: Nein
Untertitel: Nein
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The future is meta? Creative design is transforming just as much as any other aspect of life with the rapid changes in digital opportunities and with much of our lives moving online. What does the future hold for creative design in the digital world? How are workflows and art in movie production changing? How will this affect special effects, films, and ephemeral art? And what will it look like once we move into the Metaverse? Concept artists and creative influencers discuss the future of creative design and the influence of Wacom's new product: Cintiq Pro.