A partnership that fuels the world's creative businesses

Whether sculpting characters for video games or sketching endless concepts for ground-breaking consumer products, the world’s creative enterprises have one thing in common: They rely on the power of Wacom’s pen and display technology to amplify their craft.


要满足客户的交期且不妥协作品或风格质量——通过使用 Wacom 数位屏与数位板,专业插画师深知如何掌握两者之间的平衡。无论是用 Adobe® Photoshop®、Illustrator® 或 Corel® Painter® 为手册制作初步缩图,为包装设计复杂线条,或是定稿要放发布于网络的彩稿,你的艺术家都可直接在屏幕上设计,创作出具说服力的插图、改正错误并快速响应客户要求的更改。


Illustrator and art director Caroline Vos says Wacom speeds up her creative process five-fold. Learn how.

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