11. Nov 2022
11:00 - 13:00

Deep Dive. A journey of creativity, nature, travel, technology and spirituality.

Art | Concept Art | Design | Technology
Dauer: 120 Min.
Ursprüngliche Sprache: English
Simultanverdolmetschung: Nein
Untertitel: Nein
Sitzungstyp: Webinar
Es tut uns leid! Diese Session ist beendet. Schau später noch mal vorbei, um dir eine Aufzeichnung der Session anzusehen.

The journey of being an artist from Venezuela who has chosen a lifetime commitment to art, highlighting the great expansion gained from growing an art career around the world as a woman, while working with various cultures, religions and social paradigms. A reflection on how making art can offer us as a way to process our outer and inner worlds, serving as a space for expression, connection, balance and empowerment, carrying us through a life filled with depth, purpose, beauty and creativity. A window into the spiritual process that led to becoming a visionary artist who creates large-scale immersive installations that invoke inspiration and connection to Self, God and Nature.
