10. Nov 2022
23:00 - 23:30

Digital Stationery Consortium: Boosting new smart stationery solutions

Dauer: 30 Min.
Ursprüngliche Sprache: English
Simultanverdolmetschung: Nein
Untertitel: Nein
Sitzungstyp: paneldiscussion
Es tut uns leid! Diese Session ist beendet. Schau später noch mal vorbei, um dir eine Aufzeichnung der Session anzusehen.

The Digital Stationery Consortium (DSC) is a network of global industry- and thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, and academics with a shared interest in developing new smart digital stationery solutions. We connect different industries, institutions, perspectives and requirements, identifying new opportunities in the world of digital stationery products.

At the Connected Ink Event, various DSC members will be sharing their stories about how their DSC membership and collaborations with other members have helped them accomplish their ambitious digital goals.