
工具,用于采集 Wacom 设备中的电子签名,或用于直接与 Wacom 签名板通信

Wacom 面向开发者提供软件开发套件 (SDK),以便他们在自己的应用程序中集成对 Wacom 签名板或数位屏的支持。

Signature SDK for Windows

Our signature SDK includes the tools necessary for enabling applications to capture biometric handwritten signatures using any of Wacom's signature pads, pen tablets or pen displays. This SDK requires minimal effort to integrate, and automatically renders digital ink, displays dialog boxes, and captures full biometric signature data. It is available for a range of programming languages including C, C++, HTML/JavaScript, Delphi, C#, VB.NET and Java. Signatures are stored in a format that can later be analyzed by qualified authorities, such as Forensic Document Examiners, using our Signature Scope application.

Signature SDK for Android

This SDK provides the same functionality as the signature SDK for Windows, but works on pen-equipped Android devices. Java is currently the only supported language for this SDK.

STU SDK (aka Low Level SDK)

The STU SDK is a software development kit that allows applications to capture pen data using any Wacom STU-series signature pad. This SDK requires more coding effort than the signature SDK, but allows unrestricted access to the data which can be stored in any suitable format. Applications can upload graphical images to the pad display and record the pen movement, including timing and pressure information, which is needed to collect biometric handwritten signature data. It is available for C, C++, HMTL/JavaScript, Delphi, C#, VB.NET and Java.

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