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banking credit union m

Credit Unions

Enhance your member experience with electronic handwritten signature

Your members expect and deserve a unique experience when visiting one of your branches. While there are many options for saving paper, time, and cost, Wacom electronic signature capture solutions are made with people in mind.

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The electronic pen experience from Wacom is very similar to traditional ink on paper, but with all the benefits of a paperless process. The sharpness of the screen, the ergonomics of the pen, and the scratch resistant glass surface all convey the highest of quality, which your members will appreciate.

Your members will benefit from the reduced waiting times, and your staff will have more time to serve their needs. Today nearly all kind of forms can be signed electronically: new account openings, credit and loan applications, and documents for financial products. Some progressive banks utilize electronic signatures to authorize all teller line transactions, such as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.

Once your institution begins capturing and storing electronic handwritten signatures to save paper, you can then implement a verification system to compare newly collected signatures to known references for even greater efficiencies.

Our small, reliable, signature pads are an excellent choice for capturing electronic handwritten signatures at teller and counter locations. For many regions around the world, legislation is in place for these electronic handwritten signatures to be legally binding.

For a more immersive and intuitive experience, especially when completing digital forms, a Wacom pen display can also be used for writing, annotating, marking up, highlighting, and approving applications and agreements using the pen directly on the screen, as on paper. Members can view the full document, as well as write on it and sign it electronically.

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Benefits of an Electronic Signature System for Credit Unions

  • Increase efficiencies in approving and authorizing customer transactions
  • Improve the speed and accuracy in accessing sensitive financial information
  • Perform signature authentication quickly and securely
  • Simplify the account opening process for members
  • Can be used to significantly reduce the risk of fraud by implementing a verification system of electronic signatures using the biometric signature data that every Wacom signature tablet captures
  • Reinforce the brand reputation of the credit union as a digital innovator and an organization who is genuinely interested in protecting the member against fraud
  • Reinforce the credit union’s commitment to excellent member service and member trust by presenting the customer with a high quality and extremely durable signature pad or pen display.

Recommended Products for Credit Unions


5” 800 x 480 color LCD signature pad


10.1” 1920 x 1080 color LCD pen display

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