
Wacom Cintiq Pro 제품군

Engineered for harmony

영감으로 가득 찬 창의성을 위한 획기적인 성능을 제공합니다. 설계, 엔지니어링, 기술 그리고 최고 전문가들의 조언은 Wacom Cintiq Pro를 사용하는 창작 경험을 쉽고 조화롭게 만들었습니다. 다양한 전문 크리에이티브 액정 타블렛을 통해 영감의 순간부터 최종 창작에 이르기까지 완전한 몰입감을 경험하십시오.

Cintiq Pro 17 구매하기

Cintiq Pro 22 구매하기

Cintiq Pro 27 구매하기

팔레트에 힘을 불어넣으십시오

처음부터 끝까지 실제적이고 일관되며 현실에 있는 색상을 사용해 색상이 중요한 워크플로를 완벽하게 제어할 수 있습니다. 10비트 컬러 디스플레이는 10억 개 이상의 음영 팔레트를 제공합니다. Adobe RGB와 영화 산업 표준인 DCI-P3의 높은 색영역 비율을 지원하는 덕분에 아티스트는 더 넓은 색영역과 다양한 색상을 활용할 수 있습니다. Pantone™ Validated 및 Pantone SkinTone™ Validated 인증 디스플레이는 화면에 표시되는 색상이 실제 피부 톤 및 인쇄물과 동일하도록 보장합니다. 생산단계에서 캘리브래이팅된 색상 정확도로 워크플로의 효율성을 높이고, 마무리 작업을 간소화하며, 창의적인 작업의 불필요한 반복을 줄일 수 있습니다. 처음부터 HDR 감마로 제작하여 추후에 디스플레이에서 생동감을 표현할 수 있고, 창작 과정에서 색상 보정 작업을 최소화할 수 있습니다.

Cintiq Pro 27 색상 기능에 대해 자세히 알아보기

Effortlessly connected

Ensure every pen stroke is a work of art in motion without jitter, lag, or ghosting thanks to the enhanced pen sampling rate that works in harmony with the display.

Every pen movement, from heavy color strokes to featherweight line drawing feels effortless, thanks to the pen's high pressure and tilt sensitivity.

당신의 창작 방식에 맞춘 변화

Wacom Pro Pen 3는 내가 원하는 느낌에 맞출 수 있도록 인체공학적으로 개선 및 재설계되었습니다. 나의 스타일에 맞게 무게추를 활용하여 펜의 무게, 그립 두께, 펜의 사이드 버튼을 자유롭게 구성하십시오. 디자인을 개선해 마침내 도달한 나만의 펜 타입 구성은 당신에게 잊을 수 없는 창의적인 경험을 제공할 것입니다.

창작에 최적화된 터치

10포인트 멀티 터치를 사용하면 콘텐츠에 펜 온 스크린으로 동시에 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 이동, 확대/축소, 회전과 같은 자연스러운 제스처를 사용하여 창작 과정에 완전히 몰입하는 경험을 누릴 수 있습니다.  터치 제스처와 선 긋기를 한 번의 움직임만으로 매끄럽게 전환할 수 있습니다.

Find the right angle

Create the perfect setup for creativity with the Wacom Cintiq Pro Stand*, designed to bring maximum comfort, flexibility and stability to any desktop studio or remote workspace. Adjust height quickly, tilt or rotate up to 20° in each direction, all while keeping total focus on your workflow.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 and 22 require either the Wacom Cintiq Pro Stand* or a compatible VESA monitor arm**. 

*Wacom Cintiq Pro Stand sold separately and available for Cintiq Pro 27, 22 and 17. Cintiq Pro 17 comes with an Easy Stand in the box which offers a single angle of use.
**Sold separately. Compatible monitor arm required for 180 degrees of display rotation (Landscape to Portrait). VESA 75 x 75mm for Cintiq Pro 17;  VESA 100 x 100mm for Cintiq Pro 22 & 27.

Shop Stand

상상의 속도 그대로 창작을

ExpressKeyTM 의 끊김 없는 작업의 자유로움을 느껴보세요. 디스플레이의 뒤쪽 그립에 새롭게 재배치된 버튼마다 단축키를 설정할 수 있습니다. 이 직관적인 디자인은 당신이 바로가기가 필요하다는 사실을 깨닫기도 전에 당신이 자주 쓰는 그 단축키에 어느새 손가락이 가 있을 것입니다.

지속 가능성을 고려한 설계

Wacom은 제품을 보다 친환경적으로 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 제품 디자인과 포장 재료에 이르기까지, Wacom은 가능한 한 재활용 재료를 사용하여 지속 가능한 Cintiq Pro를 생산하고 있습니다. 더 나은 세상을 만드는 것은 저희 제품에 대한 관심에서 시작되기 때문입니다.

자세히 보기

여러분의 Wacom Cintiq Pro를 선택해 보세요

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 또는 Wacom Cintiq Pro 22에서 가장 대담한 아이디어를 자유롭게 펼쳐보세요.
책상 공간이 부족하다면 작은 공간에서도 얼마든지 작업을 수행할 수 있는 Wacom Cintiq Pro 17가 적합합니다.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27

More screen, more space. Ideal for product design, video VFX, 3D sculpting & animation, print design and photography.


Wacom Cintiq Pro 22

A large workspace, suiting those with photography, graphic and advertising design needs.


Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

A practical, yet powerful size. Perfect for the most demanding painting and retouching jobs.


무엇을 도와드릴까요?

와콤의 제품, 가치 및 기업 구매에 관한 자세한 정보는 와콤 담당자에게 문의하십시오.

Contact us for more information and purchase discounts

Questions? Our experienced sales staff can provide you with insight and best practices on implementation for your design studio, and information on demos and volume discounts.

마법 같은 기술

Wacom의 목표는 여러분이 창의력을 최고로 발휘할 수 있도록 사람과 기술을 조합해 항상 자연스럽고 직관적인 기기를 제공하는 것입니다.

디지털 드로잉과 디자인 장비의 시장을 선도하는 기업 Wacom의 제품은 디지털 펜 기술을 40년간 개발해온 경험의 결과로 탄생했습니다. 좋은 제품을 제작하는 일에 헌신적인 Wacom의 엔지니어들은 언제나 고객 여러분의 가치와 신뢰를 위한 가장 매끄럽고 뛰어난 반응성을 제공하고자 수정과 개선을 이어가고 있습니다.

아이디어를 표현하고자 하는 모두를 위해 제품을 제작하는 Wacom은 고객 여러분의 필요 사항에 맞는 제품을 위해 지속적으로 개선하고 있습니다. 튼튼하지만 세련된, 진보한 기술이지만 직관적인 Wacom은 오늘과 내일을 위한 크리에이티브 기술의 벤치마크를 제공할 수 있음을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.

Wacom Pro Pen 3 对于书写与绘画方式十分灵敏,可以辨识粗线、细线以及阴影。

使用 Pro Pen 3 绘画如呼吸般自然。直观设计的前沿技术,可以智能感知你的手在快速或缓慢绘图,或是绘制阴影或任何其他纹理效果时的不同重心。


通过能顺应各种风格的 Wacom 笔尖巧妙平衡手感和耐用性,实现不同类型的创作。

受益于 Wacom 专利的 EMR 电磁感应技术,压感笔笔身重量轻盈,无需电池。Pro Pen 3 是长时间用笔的理想之选。




屏幕经过特殊处理以提高摩擦力,令人感觉在 Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 绘图彷佛于纸上作画。

我们精心设计屏幕,以避免出现视差(也就是你想要的光标位置与实际位置之间出现落差)。因此,使用 Wacom 屏幕既直观又舒适。


Pro Pen 压感笔的每一个动作都能毫无迟滞地显示在屏幕上,几乎零延迟,因此令屏幕笔感如第二天性般自然。

Linux 支持

由于 Wacom 产品几乎是整个媒体娱乐产业的标准工具,因此 Wacom Cintiq Pro 27(以及我们所有其他专业产品)均获得各项支持,轻轻松松即可整合至你的工作室或专业工作流程。我们可靠的即插即用体验已成为业界标杆,无需下载驱动程序,即与所有现代 Linux 发行版兼容,无论是用于本地或虚拟系统。此外,Wacom 有针对性地为企业客户提供技术支持和咨询,借此确保我们的产品匹配具体应用环境。如需更多信息,欢迎前往 Wacom Community,或联系你所在地区的 Wacom 代表寻求协助。


Cintiq Pro 用户可获得免费软件试用优惠*。

* 若需获取免费赠送软件,您需要登录或使用个人数据创建 Wacom ID,并注册您的 Wacom Cintiq Pro。


Toon Boom Harmony

全球众多工作室使用 Toon Boom Harmony Premium 22 软件完成动画制作过程——现在您可免费试用 3 个月。体验 Harmony 的各项动画工具——颜色管理、音频和口型同步技术、3D 环境工具等——使其成为与 Wacom Cintiq Pro 结合使用的理想工具。

* 使用你的 Wacom ID 登录或创建 Wacom ID 并注册你的设备,即可获得 90 天免费软件试用。安装后使用软件,需先注册 Toon Boom。


Toon Boom Storyboard Pro

Toon Boom 的 Storyboard Pro 支持故事分镜流程——现在您更可免费试用 Toon Boom 3 个月*。Storyboard Pro 汇集您下一个故事分镜项目所需的各项工具:绘图、脚本、相机控制、动画创作功能及音频。

* 安装后使用软件,需先注册 Toon Boom。适用条款与条件。

Clip Studio Paint EX

可靠的绘图工具:是你通过插画、漫画、网络漫画或动画等任何方式展现个人创造力的理想伙伴。丰富多样的功能激发你的无限创作潜力,帮助你在逼真的绘图体验中发挥创作才能。享受长达 6 个月的 Clip Studio Paint EX 免费试用,在 Wacom 设备上磨练个人技巧。

* 需先注册 Clip Studio Paint EX 才可获得 6 个月的 Celsys 免费试用。适用条款与条件。


Capture One

运用全套编辑功能与 AI 工具,利用 3 个月 Capture One 试用*,与你的 Wacom 设备一起处理耗时的任务,不仅减少工作量,还能创造更多精彩内容。可直接连接电脑进行快速同步拍摄。无论团队和客户身在何处,都能实现顺畅协作。经过专业设计的预设,可实现实时呈现。另外,还可获得令人惊叹的色彩和影像质量。所有这些都是为了按照你想要的方式,搭配 Wacom 设备一起使用。

* 需先注册 Capture One 才可开始使用 Capture One,并根据 Capture One 的销售条款以长期付费方式订阅软件。如需终止,需在 3 个月试用期结束前取消订阅。适用其他条款与条件


兑换免费三个月*(或 250 GB)的快速文件传输服务。影片及专业创作人士如需在短时间内传输大型文件,MASV 是他们的理想选择。你可以将文件传输给既定收件人,或使用 MASV 门户,让客户与合作伙伴向你传输文件。用户界面一目了然,每个人都可以轻松使用。

* 需先注册 MASV 才可获得 3 个月的 MASV 免费试用。适用条款与条件。

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Specifications

Display Size

17.3 in (43.9 cm)

Refresh Rate

 Maximum 120Hz

Color Gamut

99% DCI-P3
88% Adobe RGB
100% Rec.709
Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

HDR Gamma Support


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Productivity Boosters

ExpressKey™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Model Code


Product Weight

2.2 kg / 4.9 lbs

Product Dimensions

253 x 424 x 21 mm (10.0 x 16.7 x 0.8 in)

Product Color


Stand Adjustability

Includes the Easy Stand for Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 that attaches by a standard 75 x 75 mm VESA mount. Optional Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Stand that supports tilt, lift, and rotation; the stand attaches by a standard 75 x 75 mm VESA mount

Productivity Boosters

  • ExpressKey™ - Yes (total 8 keys)
  • Touch on/off switch
  • Dedicated pan, scroll, zoom, brush size
  • Precision Mode
  • Radial Menu
  • Display Toggle
  • On-screen controls
  • Pen gestures

Power Input Voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz

Power Output Voltage

20.0V / 3.25A


Kensington® Security Slot

Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 90% RH (non-condensing)
  • Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 40 degree C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 degree C at a humidity of 30%.

Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 80% RH (non-condensing)


1 year

Pen & Touch Display Technology

Screen Size (measured diagonally)

17.3 in (43.9 cm)

Active Area

382 x 215 mm (15.0 x 8.5 in)

Display Technology


Touch Technology

Projected capacitive


Yes - 10 fingers

Display Resolution

3840 x 2160 pixels

Supported Resolution

  • 640x480@60Hz (VGA)
  • 720x400@70Hz (IBM_VGA)
  • 720x480@60Hz
  • 720x576@50Hz
  • 800x600@60Hz (SVGA)
  • 1024x768@60Hz (XGA)
  • 1280x720@50Hz/60Hz (HD)
  • 1280x1024@60Hz (SXGA)
  • 1600x1200@60Hz (UXGA)
  • 1920x1080@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz (FHD)
  • 2560x1440@60Hz/120Hz (WQHD)
  • 3840x2160@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz

Uniformity compensation function


Pixel Pitch

0.09945(H) x 0.09945(V) mm


Edge-to-edge tempered glass with AG etching


400 cd/m2 (typ)

Display Colors (maximum)

1.07 billion (Color depth: 10bit x RGB = 30bit)

Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

  • DCI-P3 99% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Adobe RGB 88% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Rec.709 100% (CIE1931) (typ)
  • Pantone™ Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

Aspect Ratio


Viewing Angle

170° (85°/85°) H, (85°/85°) V (typ)

Contrast Ratio

1000:1 (typ)

Response Time

8 ms (typ)


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Pen Technology

Electromagnetic resonance technology

Pen Pressure levels

8192 levels

Supported Pen Tilt Angle

60 degrees

Pen Resolution

5080 lpi

Pen Type

Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free


3 or 0 side switches

Replacement Nibs

10 nibs

Compatibility & Connectivity

Operating system requirements

  • PC: Windows® 10 or later (Latest service pack/ build)
  • Mac: macOS 11 or later (Latest update)

Hardware Requirements

  • USB-C port with DisplayPort Alternate Mode* or HDMI* port or DisplayPort and USB-A port
  • Internet access for driver download
*Ports on host PC 3840 x 2160@120Hz to show maximum resolution on Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

I/O connectors

  • 1x mini DisplayPort
  • 1x HDMI
  • 1x USB Type-C

What's included & optional accessories

What's Included

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 17
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 with 2 extra grips, 3 extra button plates, and a balance piece
  • a detachable pen holder with 10 replacement nibs (5 standard, 5 felt) and nib removal tool
  • Wacom Cintiq Pro Easy Stand
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (1.8 m)
  • AC adapter
  • power cord (1.0 m)
  • quick start guide
  • Regulation sheet

Optional Accessories

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Stand (ACK64803KZ)
  • Wacom ExpressKey Remote (ACK411050)
  • Wacom Color Manager (EODIS3-DCWA)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray (ACK44827Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Straight Grip (ACK34801Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Flare Grip (ACK34802Z)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24801Z)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24819Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 (KP504E)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 - 3D (KP505)
  • Wacom ProPen 2 - Slim (KP301E00DZ)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22211)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22213)
  • AirbrushPen (KP400E)
  • Wacom Grip Pen (KP501E2)
  • Wacom Art Pen (KP701E)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20001)
  • Replacement Hard Felt Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20003)
  • Replacement Flex Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20004)
  • Power Adapter - Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 (ACK4481401Z)
  • USB-C to USB-A cable (ACK4480601Z)
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (ACK44806Z)
  • Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable (ACK4480602Z)
  • Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ (ACK4480603Z)
  • Cintiq Pro 17 Power cable (ACK4480601)
  • Wacom Drawing Glove - 1pack (ACK4472501Z)

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Specifications

Display Size

21.5 in (54.6 cm)

Refresh Rate

 Maximum 120Hz

Color Gamut

99% DCI-P3
95% Adobe RGB
100% Rec.709
Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

HDR Gamma Support


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Productivity Boosters

ExpressKey™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Model Code


Product Weight

5.0 kg / 11.0 lbs

Product Dimensions

312 x 517 x 30 mm (12.3 x 20.3 x 1.2 in)

Product Color


Stand Adjustability

Optional Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Stand that supports tilt, lift, and rotation; the stand attaches by a standard 100 x 100 mm VESA mount

Productivity Boosters

  • ExpressKeys™ - Yes (total 8 keys)
  • Touch on/off switch
  • Dedicated pan, scroll, zoom, brush size
  • Precision Mode
  • Radial Menu
  • Display Toggle
  • On-screen controls
  • Pen gestures

Power Input Voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz

Power Output Voltage

19.0V / 8.4A


Kensington® Security Slot

Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 90% RH (non-condensing)
  • Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 40 degree C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 degree C at a humidity of 30%.

Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 80% RH (non-condensing)


1 year

Pen & Touch Display Technology

Screen Size (measured diagonally)

21.5 in (54.6 cm)

Active Area

476 x 268 mm (18.7 x 10.5 in)

Display Technology


Touch Technology

Projected capacitive


Yes - 10 fingers

Display Resolution

3840 x 2160 pixels

Supported Resolution

  • 640x480@60Hz (VGA)
  • 720x400@70Hz (IBM_VGA)
  • 720x480@60Hz
  • 720x576@50Hz
  • 800x600@60Hz (SVGA)
  • 1024x768@60Hz (XGA)
  • 1280x720@50Hz/60Hz (HD)
  • 1280x1024@60Hz (SXGA)
  • 1600x1200@60Hz (UXGA)
  • 1920x1080@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz (FHD)
  • 2560x1440@60Hz/120Hz (WQHD)
  • 3840x2160@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz

Uniformity compensation function


Pixel Pitch

0.12398(H) x 0.12398(V) mm


Edge-to-edge tempered glass with AG etching


300 cd/m2 (typ)

Display Colors (maximum)

1.07 billion (Color depth: 10bit x RGB = 30bit)

Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

  • DCI-P3 99% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Adobe RGB 95% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Rec.709 100% (CIE1931) (typ)
  • Pantone™ Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

Aspect Ratio


Viewing Angle

170° (85°/85°) H, (85°/85°) V (typ)

Contrast Ratio

1200:1 (typ)

Response Time

12 ms (typ)


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Pen Technology

Electromagnetic resonance technology

Pen Pressure levels

8192 levels

Supported Pen Tilt Angle

60 degrees

Pen Resolution

5080 lpi

Pen Type

Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free


3 or 0 side switches

Replacement Nibs

10 nibs

Compatibility & Connectivity

Operating system requirements

  • PC: Windows® 10 or later (Latest service pack/ build)
  • Mac: macOS 11 or later (Latest update)

Hardware Requirements

  • USB-C port with DisplayPort Alternate Mode* or HDMI* port or DisplayPort and USB-A port
  • Internet access for driver download
*Ports on host PC 3840 x 2160@120Hz to show maximum resolution on Wacom Cintiq Pro 22

I/O connectors

  • 1x mini DisplayPort
  • 1x HDMI
  • 2x USB Type-C
  • 1x USB Standard-A

What's included & optional accessories

What's Included

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 22
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 with 2 extra grips, 3 extra button plates, and a balance piece
  • a detachable pen holder with 10 replacement nibs (5 standard, 5 felt) and nib removal tool
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (1.8 m)
  • USB-C to USB Standard A cable (1.8 m)
  • HDMI cable (1.8 m)
  • Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable (1.8 m)
  • AC adapter
  • power cord (1.0 m)
  • quick start guide
  • Regulation sheet

Optional Accessories

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Stand (ACK64802KZ)
  • Wacom FlexArm Adapter (ACK64804KZ)
  • Wacom Cintiq Pro Extension Table (ACK44826Z)
  • Wacom ExpressKey Remote (ACK411050)
  • Wacom Color Manager (EODIS3-DCWA)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray (ACK44827Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Straight Grip (ACK34801Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Flare Grip (ACK34802Z)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24801Z)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24819Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 (KP504E)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 - 3D (KP505)
  • Wacom ProPen 2 - Slim (KP301E00DZ)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22211)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22213)
  • AirbrushPen (KP400E)
  • Wacom Grip Pen (KP501E2)
  • Wacom Art Pen (KP701E)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20001)
  • Replacement Hard Felt Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20003)
  • Replacement Flex Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20004)
  • Power Adapter - Wacom Cintiq Pro 27/22 (ACK44814Z)
  • USB-C to USB-A cable (ACK4480601Z)
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (ACK44806Z)
  • Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable  (ACK4480602Z)
  • Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™
  • Cintiq Pro 27/22 Power cable (ACK44806X)
  • Wacom Drawing Glove - 1pack (ACK4472501Z)

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Specifications

Display Size

26.9 in (68.3 cm)

Refresh Rate

 Maximum 120Hz

Color Gamut

98% DCI-P3
99% Adobe RGB
100% Rec.709
Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

HDR Gamma Support


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Productivity Boosters

ExpressKey™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Model Code


Product Weight

7.2 kg (15.9 Ibs)

Product Dimensions

379 x 638 x 31 mm (14.9 x 25.1 x 1.2 in)

Product Color


Stand Adjustability

Optional Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Stand that supports tilt, lift, and rotation; the stand attaches by a standard 100 x 100 mm VESA mount.

Productivity Boosters

  • ExpressKey™ - Yes (total 8 keys)
  • Touch on/off switch
  • Dedicated pan, scroll, zoom, brush size
  • Precision Mode
  • Radial Menu
  • Display Toggle
  • On-screen controls
  • Pen gestures

Power Input Voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz

Power Output Voltage

19.0V / 8.4A


Kensington® Security Slot

Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 90% RH (non-condensing)
  • Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 40 degree C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 degree C at a humidity of 30%.

Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 80% RH (non-condensing)


1 year

Pen & Touch Display Technology

Screen Size (measured diagonally)

26.9 in (68.3 cm)

Active Area

596 x 335 mm (23.5 x 13.2 in)

Display Technology


Touch Technology

Projected capacitive


Yes - 10 fingers

Display Resolution

3840 x 2160 pixels

Supported Resolution

  • 640x480@60Hz (VGA)
  • 720x400@70Hz (IBM_VGA)
  • 720x480@60Hz
  • 720x576@50Hz
  • 800x600@60Hz (SVGA)
  • 1024x768@60Hz (XGA)
  • 1280x720@50Hz/60Hz (HD)
  • 1280x1024@60Hz (SXGA)
  • 1600x1200@60Hz (UXGA)
  • 1920x1080@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz (FHD)
  • 2560x1440@60Hz/120Hz (WQHD
  • 3840x2160@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz

Uniformity compensation function


Pixel Pitch

0.15525 (H) x 0.15525 (V) mm


Edge-to-edge tempered glass with AG etching


400 cd/m2 (typ)

Displayable Colors (maximum)

 1.07 billion (Color depth: 10bit x RGB = 30bit)

Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

  • DCI-P3 98% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Adobe RGB 99% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Rec.709 100% (CIE1931) (typ)
  • Pantone™ Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

Aspect Ratio


Viewing Angle

178° (89°/89°) H, (89°/89°) V (typ)

Contrast Ratio

1000:1 (typ)

Response Time

10 ms (typ)


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Pen Technology

Electromagnetic resonance technology

Pen Pressure levels

8192 levels

Supported Pen Tilt Angle

60 degrees

Pen Resolution

5080 lpi

Pen Type

Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free


3 or 0 side switches

Replacement Nibs

10 nibs

Compatibility & Connectivity

Operating system requirements

  • PC: Windows® 10 or later (Latest service pack/ build)
  • Mac: macOS 10.15 or later (Latest update)

Hardware Requirements

  • USB-C port with DisplayPort Alternate Mode* or HDMI* port or DisplayPort and USB-A port
  • Internet access for driver download
*Ports on host PC 3840 x 2160@120Hz to show maximum resolution on Wacom Cintiq Pro 27

I/O connectors

  • 1x mini DisplayPort
  • 1x HDMI
  • 2x USB Type-C
  • 1x USB Standard-A

What's included & optional accessories

What's Included

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 27
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 with 2 extra grips, 3 extra button plates, and a balance piece
  • a detachable pen holder with 10 replacement nibs (5 standard, 5 felt) and nib removal tool
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (1.8 m)
  • USB-C to USB Standard A cable (1.8 m)
  • HDMI cable (1.8 m)
  • Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable (1.8 m)
  • AC adapter
  • power cord (1.0 m)
  • quick start guide
  • Regulation sheet

Optional Accessories

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Stand (ACK64801KZ)
  • Wacom FlexArm Adapter (ACK64804KZ)
  • Wacom Cintiq Pro Extension Table (ACK44826Z)
  • Wacom ExpressKey Remote (ACK411050)
  • Wacom Color Manager (EODIS3-DCWA)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray (ACK44827Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Straight Grip (ACK34801Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Flare Grip (ACK34802Z)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24801Z)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24819Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 (KP504E)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 - 3D (KP505)
  • Wacom ProPen 2 - Slim (KP301E00DZ)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22211)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22213)
  • AirbrushPen (KP400E)
  • Wacom Grip Pen (KP501E2)
  • Wacom Art Pen (KP701E)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20001)
  • Replacement Hard Felt Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20003)
  • Replacement Flex Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20004)
  • Power Adapter - Wacom Cintiq Pro 27/22 (ACK44814Z)
  • USB-C to USB-A cable (ACK4480601Z)
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (ACK44806Z)
  • Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable (ACK4480602Z)
  • Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ (ACK4480603Z)
  • Cintiq Pro 27/22 Power cable (ACK44806X)
  • Wacom Drawing Glove - 1pack (ACK4472501Z)


Wacom Cintiq Pro Extension Table

Gives a home to your favorite tools like keyboard or smartphones. Easily attaches to your Cintiq Pro 27 and 22. Not compatible with Cintiq Pro 17.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Stand

Fully adjustable to find your optimum working angle.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Stand

Fully adjustable to find your optimum working angle.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Stand

Fully adjustable to find your optimum working angle.

Wacom Pro Pen 3

The Wacom Pen precision you'd expect.  With customizable weight, grip thickness, pen buttons and center of gravity, find the balance that suits your style. 

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray

Keeps your pen ready to use and safe while storing your extra nibs and grips. Easily attaches to your Cintiq Pro 27

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Straight Grip

Straight grip replacement for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Flare Grip

Flare grip replacement for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Standard Nibs 5pc

Standard nib replacements for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ) 5pc

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Felt Nibs 10pc

Felt nib replacements for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ) 10pc

ExpressKey™ Remote

Save time on common creative tasks with the ExpressKey™ Remote's set of 17 customizable buttons and Touch Ring.

Wacom Color Manager

Wacom Color Manager gives you precision color calibration, better image quality and improved uniformity across your entire workflow.

Wacom Flex Arm Adapter

Update your Wacom Flex Arm for use with your Cintiq Pro. Works with Cintiq Pro 22 and 27 only. 

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 power adapter

Replacement Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 AC Power Adapter is an external power supply (20V/3.5A) designed to work specifically with the Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ Cable 1.8M

Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable 1.8M

Ultra High Speed HDMI™ replacement cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

USB-C to A cable 1.8M

USB-C to A cable replacement cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

USB-C to C cable 1.8M

USB-C to C cable replacement cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

Contact us for more information and purchase discounts

Questions? Our experienced sales staff can provide you with insight and best practices on implementation for your design studio, and information on demos and volume discounts.

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