Inkspace makes it easy to edit your work, your way, giving you the power to export files directly to your favorite platform.
As a creative person, you can streamline your creative process by exporting an initial sketch to Adobe Illustrator. And as a journalist, you can get ahead of a deadline by forwarding your notes straight to Dropbox, Evernote or Microsoft OneNote for editing.
Inkspace makes it easy to keep all your work organized.
You can add written hashtags to your sketches while you’re working on paper, or add them to files later using the app. Inkspace automatically recognizes these hashtags and uses them to order and sort your work. You can then use the app’s search function to find specific tags, words or creation dates, so you can locate the files you need in seconds.
Another way of organizing your work on the app is to create ‘groups’. These act as folders which you can name and place your files in. Groups are easy to move, export and delete, giving you a familiar way to stay on top of your library.
When you’ve got to work collaboratively, Inkspace really comes into its own.
Using Live Mode on the Inkspace app, you can make drawings and annotations visible to others digitally as you work on paper. Now you can select different colors so the annotation could be more precise. This is ideal for people who want to broadcast in real time, such as artists sharing their creative process, or maths teachers working through a problem in front of their class.
The web app also enables you to work on a real-time canvas simultaneously with others. As everyone’s thoughts are captured in real time, you can continuously collaborate to create new ideas together and improve your overall workflow – no matter where you all are.
Inkspace 应用程序可用于平板电脑、智能手机和网页,适合多种设备使用。由于其为云端式程序*,因此用户可随时随地访问并编辑文件——需在外出时进行工作之人的理想选择。此外,你大可放心你的灵感可安全妥当地储存保存。
* 云同步仅适用于移动Inkspace版本。
Bamboo Folio with Inkspace.
Retyping is old school.
Bamboo Slate with Inkspace.
Ideas are precious.
Bamboo Slate with Inkspace.
Ideas don't wait.